19th February 2023

Judge : Minna Borsuk


Best in Show - Eldred's Derdledash Naughty Neptune JW - Wire

Reserve Best in Show - Garlick's Ranglewood Islay - Long

Best Puppy in Show -  Mitchell's Bronia Maverick- Min Long

Reserve Best Puppy in Show -  Eldred & Dickinson's Dakotadax Check Mate - Wire

Best Veteran in Show - Buchan & Kerslake's Devonwood Crackerjack at Helemium JW ShCM - Min Long

I would like to thank Northern Counties Dachshund Association for inviting me to judge at their Open Show. I would also like to thank exhibitors for their entries. I enjoyed my day and I had some really good quality dogs to go over. Lovely to see some quality Veterans out strutting their stuff. Generally, all the dogs were well turned out, and in good condition, there were some dirty teeth and some concerns about size in both miniatures as well as standards.


Best of Breed - Garlick's Ranglewood Islay

Best Opposite Sex - 

Best Puppy -  Garlick's Kyrenia Queens Request with Ranglewood

Best Veteran - Hirst's Ranglewood Lantana at Kejana


Puppy (2)

1st Garlick's Ranglewood Katrine

2nd Garlick's Ranglewood heilen


Junior (2)

1st Garlick's Kyrenia Queens Request with Ranglewood

2nd Foley's Beauty Long at Clavennae


Post Graduate (2,1)

1st Lumley's Dagastren Martha My Dear


Limit (3,0)

1st Garlick's Ranglewood Islay

2nd Gillespie-Wren & Boyle's Zarcrest Ava Gardner

3rd Fley's Loggeta Wynn by Myles at Clavennae


Open Dog (2,1)

1st  Cook & Rhode's Abydachs Free Spirit for Bournder


Open Bitch (1)

1st Hutton's Dachalune Araxia


Veteran (1)

1st Hirst's Ranglewood Lantana at Kejana


Puppy 1 st Miss E Garlick’s Ranglewood Katrine; Lovely 6-mth-old bitch with elegant feminine head. Good reachy neck flowing to well laid shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Good turn of stifle. Correct ground clearance and size. 2nd Miss E Garlick’s Ranglewood Heilen; Litter sister to 1st. Another lovely bitch very similar to 1st . with feminine head, good length of neck flowing to well laid shoulders. Preferred length of ribbing on 1 st . Good size and ground clearance.


Junior 1 st Miss E Garlick’s Kyrenia Queens Request with Ranglewood; 8-mth-old well balance elegant bitch. Lovely length of neck flowing to well laid shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel, correct hind angulation with lovely turn of stifle. Moved parallel, with good reach and drive. BPIB 2 nd Miss C Foley’s Beauty Long at Clavennae; 18-mth-old bitch of more compact type. Feminine head, good length of neck. Good length of ribbing and keel.


Post Graduate 1 st Mr G and Mrs D Lumley’s Dagastren Martha My Dear; 4-year-old bitch of good proportions. Good length of neck. Touch long over the loin. Moved well holding a good topline. Limit 1 st Miss E Garlick’s Ranglewood Islay; 2-year-old well-balanced bitch with real ring presence. Elegant outline, good length of neck flowing to correctly placed shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel, nice short strong loin. Good hind angulation. Excellent movement, good reach and drive. Best topline. BOB, RBIS 2 nd Ms A & Miss Z Gillespie-Wren & Boyle’s Zarcrest Ava Gardner; 5-year-old well balanced bitch of good proportions. Good lay of shoulders, length of ribbing and keel, good hind angulation. Good topline on the move, just a bit close at the front for me.


Open Dog 1 st Mrs I Cooke & Mrs P Rhodes’ Abydachs Free Spirit for Bournder; 2-year-old dog, of good balance and of good proportions. Good masculine head oozing arrogance. Good length of neck and correct front. Would prefer more length of ribbing. Good hind angulation. Held a superb topline on the move. Moved well with reach and drive. BOS


Open Bitch 1 st Mr S, Mrs G & Miss C Hutton’s Dachalune Araxia; 6-year-old bitch. Overall pleasant outline. Good angulation both front and rear. Good forechest. Moved well with solid topline. Veteran 1 st Mrs J & Miss N Hirst’s Ranglewood Lantana at Kejana; 8-year-old dog. Good masculine head. Good length of neck. Good length of ribbing and keel. Bit too narrow for my liking on the move. BV

Miniature Wirehaired

Best of Breed -  Stephenson's Bothlyn Sweet Missy at Wistex

Best Opposite Sex -  Corner's Carcorn Fabulous Frank

Best Puppy -   Morris's Granhoward Phoebe at Pennywave

Best Veteran -  No Entries


Puppy  (3,1)

1st Morris's Granhoward Phoebe at Pennywave

2nd Whiting's Zoldmali-Hunter Athos at Cragvallie (Imp Hun)


Junior (2)

1st Russell's Eyez the One Russteck

2nd Corner's Carcorn Fabulous Frank


Post Graduate (3)

1st Stephenson's Bothlyn Sweet Missy at Wistex

2nd Russell & Graham's Sheez Got it Russteck

3rd Corner's Gragareth Girl at Carcorn


Limit (2,1)

1st Corner's Carcorn Violet Valentine


Open Dog

No Entries


Open Bitch (1,1)

1st Corner's Gragareth Girl at Carcorn



No Entries


Puppy 1 st Mrs C Morris’ Granhoward Phoebe at Pennywave; 9-mth-old bitch of correct size. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing, compact body. Well angulated behind and moved out well. BPIB 2 nd Mrs I Whiting’s Zoldmali-Hunter Athos at Cragvallie (Imp Hun) NAF; 11-mth-old dog. Nice masculine head, good length of neck. Good length of ribbing. Moved well.


Junior – absent. Post Graduate 1 st Miss J Stephenson’s Bothlyn Sweet Missy at Wistex; 15-mth-old bitch. Lovely outline, compact body. Well laid shoulders, good forechest. Good coat, neat feet. Moved well holding a solid topline and driving from behind. BOB 2 nd Mr N & Mrs C Corner’s Carcorn Fabulous Frank; 1-year-old dog of substance. Good masculine head. Good length of neck flowing to decent shoulders. Good length of ribbing, harsh coat, neat feet. Would prefer more drive on the move. BOS


Limit 1 st Mr N & Mrs C Corner’s Carcorn Violet Valentine; 1-year-old bitch of nice proportions. Lovely feminine head and expression. Good length of neck, length of ribbing and keel Well angulated. Good coat. Moved well holding a good topline.


Open Dog – no entries


Open Bitch 1 st Mr N & Mrs C Corners’ Gragareth Girl at Carcorn; 4-year-old bitch. Balanced and of correct proportions. Good length of neck flowing to ok shoulders. Good length of ribbing. Good harsh coat. Would prefer more drive on the move. Veteran – no entries


Miniature Longhaired

Best of Breed -  Mitchell's Bronia Day Dreamer

Best Opposite Sex - Mitchell's Bronia Maverick

Best Puppy -  Mitchell's Bronia Maverick

Best Veteran Devonwood Crackerjack at Helenium JW ShCM


Puppy  (4)

1st Mitchell's Bronia Maverick

2nd Brown's Garbosa I'm A Dandy

3rd Shutt's Donnadoon Oh My Diana

Res McGavigan & Pettigrew's Pettigans Black Pearl


Junior (2)

1st Brown's Garbosa I'm A Dandy

2nd Mitchell's Bronia Chaka Khan


Post Graduate (1,1)

1st Absent


Limit (2)

1st Drady's Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko

2nd Shutt's Starlight Angel of Donnadoon


Open Dog

No Entries


Open Bitch (3)

1st Mitchell's Bronia Day Dreamer

2nd Carey's Honeysuckle Scent to Me Via Debbiejay

3rd Mason's Crownlake's Queen Bee JW


Puppy 1 st Miss E Mitchell’s Bronia Maverick; 8-mth-old dog of lovely proportions. Good dark pigment. Good front assembly, length of ribbing and keel. Nice short loin, well angulated at the back. Moved with purpose with good reach and driving from behind. BOS & BPIB 2 nd Mrs L Brown’s Garbosa I’m a Dandy; 9-mth-old dog. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good front assembly, length of ribbing. Moved well holding a good topline, would like to see more drive from behind.


Junior 1 st Mrs L Brown’s Garbosa I’m a Dandy; 9-mth-old dog. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good front assembly, length of ribbing. Moved well holding a good topline, would like to see more drive from behind. 2 nd Miss E Mitchell’s Bronia Chaka Khan; 8-mth-old bitch. Balanced, very feminine. Good length of neck, good front and forechest, length of ribbing and keel. Needs more confidence and she will come to her own.


Post Graduate - absent Limit 1 st Mrs K Drady’s Tolberg Cream Surprise at Indiko; 3-year-old bitch of good proportions and ground clearance. Good head, length of neck. Good shoulders, length of ribbing and hind angulation. Moved well. 2 nd Mrs M Shutt’s Starlight Angel of Donnadoon; 2.5-year-old bitch. Nice proportions. Good length of ribbing. Moved well. Preferred feet and neck of 1st


Open Dog –no entries


Open Bitch 1 st Miss E Mitchell’s Bronia Day Dreamer; 1,5-year-old well balanced bitch. Lovely proportions. Lovely feminine head. Good length of neck, shoulders and forechest. Good length of ribbing and length of keel. Neat feet. Well angulated. Won the class on movement. BOB 2 nd Miss D Carey’s Honeysuckle Scent to me via Debbiejay JW; 1,5-year-old balanced bitch. Classy head, good front assembly good length of ribbing and length of keel. Strong quarters and good topline. Not as much drive as 1st today.


Veteran 1 st Mrs H Buchan & Mrs P Kerslake’s Devonwood Crackerjack at Helenium JW ShCM; 9-yearold dog, who caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring. So well made. Good reachy neck flowing to correct shoulders. Good forechest, length of ribbing and keel. Short strong loin. Well angulated behind. Good bone and substance without being too heavy. Moved well with good drive. BV

Smooth Haired

Best of Breed - Tomlinson's Melisdax Memories of May

Best Opposite Sex - Lucas's Hampdach Dr Watson

Best Puppy -  Tomlinson's Melisdax Memories of May

Best Veteran -  Turner's Phaeland Society Dancer


Puppy (3)

1st Lucas's Tramardachs Bootilicous

2nd Tomlinson's Melisdax Magnolia in May

3rd Coupland's Retrohound Hermes


Junior (1)

1st Tomlinson's Melisdax Memories of May


Post Graduate

No Entries


Limit (1)

1st Lucas's Hampdach Dr Watson


Open Dog (1,1)



Open Bitch

No Entries


Veteran (1)

1st Turner's Phaeland Society Dancer


Puppy 1 st Mrs T Lucas’ Tramardachs Bootilicious; 11-mth-old well-balanced bitch. Pleasant outline. Lovely length of neck, well placed shoulders, good length of ribbing and keel. Well angulated behind. Moved well holding a good topline. 2 nd Mrs S Tomlinsons’ Melisdax Magnolia in May; 14-mth-old bitch. Lovely outline. Elegant head, good length of neck. Good length of ribbing and keel. Preferred shoulders and movement of 1st .


Junior 1 st Mrs S Tomlinsons’ Melisdax Memories of May; 14-mth-old bitch. Well balanced and pleasant outline. Feminine head, good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good forechest, ribbing and keel. Well angulated behind. Moves with reach and drive holding a good topline. BOB & BPIB


Post Graduate – no entries Limit 1 st Mrs T Lucas’ Hampdach Dr Watson; 6-year-old dog. Nice masculine head. Good length of neck. Nice forechest and shoulders. Moved well and held a good topline. BOS


Open Dog – absent.


Open Bitch – no entries


Veteran 1 st Mrs M Turner’s Phaeland Society Dancer; 8-year-old bitch. Good forechest and shoulders. Good length of ribbing, short strong loin. Good hind angulation and moved well holding her topline. BV

Miniature Smooth Haired

Best of Breed - Mason's Teckeltown Masterpiece

Best Opposite Sex - Mason's Collidach Hot Springs at Teckeltown

Best Puppy -  Coxon's D'Arisca Dinner at Eight

Best Veteran - Cumberland's Whirlygig Wottatodoo at Mumysami VW ShCM


Puppy (1)

1st Coxon's D'Arisca Dinner at Eight


Junior (4,2)

1st  Callow's Garthorne Glenda

2nd Harrison's Harridachs Cherry Blossom


Post Graduate (5,1)

1st Michael's Stargang Little Angel

2nd Cumberland's Mumysami So Distinct

3rd Harrison's Harridachs Cherry Blossom

Res Cheetham's Donnadoon Dusk Till Dawn



Limit (5,3)

1st Cumberland's Mumysami So What

2nd Cheetham's Donnadoon Dusk Till Dawn


Open Dog (2,1)

1st Mason's Ch Teckeltown Masterpiece JW


Open Bitch (5,2)

1st Mason's Collidach Hot Springs at Teckeltown

2nd Michael's Stargang Little Angel

3rd Cumberland Mumysami Clickety Clic for Yorami


Veteran (2)

1st Cumberland's Whirlygig Wottatodoo at Mumysami VW ShCM

2nd Cumberland's Mumysami Miss Solitaire ShCM


Puppy 1 st Mrs L Coxon’s D’arisca Dinner at Eight; 9-mth-old dog. Nice outline. Good head and eyes. Nice long neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing, good feet. Well angulated behind. Moved out well holding a good topline. BPIB


Junior 1 st Mrs A Callow’s Garthorne Glenda; 16-mth-old bitch, balanced and of correct ground clearance. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good length of ribbing and keel. Nice short loin. Good hind angulation and moved out well holding a good topline. 2 nd Ms L Harrison’s Harridachs Cherry Blossom; 16-mth-old bitch. Nice head and length of neck. Would prefer better lay of shoulder and hind angulation. Moved out well.


Post Graduate 1 st Miss O Michael’s Stargang Little Angel; 20-mth-old bitch of good proportions. Nice feminine head and expression. Good length of neck, ribbing and keel, good hind angulation. Moved well with drive. 2 nd Mrs J & Miss R Cumberland’s Mumysami So Distinct; 3-year-old bitch. Nice feminine head, good length of neck and good shoulders. Well angulated behind. Held a good topline on the move.


Limit 1 st Miss C Cumberland’s Mumysami So What; 4-year-old well balanced bitch and of good proportions. Good length of neck. Good front and hind angulation. Moved well holding a very good topline. 2 nd Miss S Cheetham’s Donnadoon Dusk Til Dawn; 4.5-year-old dog. Unfortunately, I was unable to go over the dog. Moved out well holding a good topline.


Open Dog 1 st Miss A Mason’s CH Teckeltown Master Piece JW; 2-year-old dog, well balanced and pleasant outline. Masculine head, length of neck flowing to correctly placed shoulders. Lovely length of ribbing and keel. Short strong loin. Well but not over angulated behind. Moved with purpose, reach and drive. Superbly handled. BOB


Open Bitch 1 st Miss A Mason’s Collidach Hot Springs at Teckletown; 22-mth-old well-balanced bitch. Lovely conical head. Well placed shoulders, good length of ribbing and keel. Well but not over angulated hind legs. Moved out well holding a very good topline. BOS 2 nd Miss O Michael’s Stargang Little Angel; 20-mth-old bitch of good proportions. Nice feminine head and expression. Good length of neck, ribbing and keel, good hind angulation. Moved well with drive.


Veteran 1 st Mrs J Cumberland’s Whirlygig Wottatodoo at Mumysami VW ShCM; 11-year-old bitch. Lovely outline and balance. Well-proportioned body and good ground clearance. Good length of neck. Ribbing extends well back. Moved beautifully around the ring holding a superb topline for a girl of her age. BV 2 nd Mrs J Cumberland’s Mumysami Miss Solitaire ShCM; 9-year-old bitch, again, well balanced with correct ground clearance and pleasant outline. Good length of neck. Ribbing extends well back. Moved happily holding a good topline.


Wire Haired

Best of Breed - Eldred's Derdledash Naughty Neptune

Best Opposite Sex - Corner's Cishelvine Portia at Carcorn

Best Puppy -   Eldred & Dickinson's Dakotadax Check Mate

Best Veteran - Eldred's Bramalodge Amiety at Derdeldash


Puppy (4)

1st Eldred & Dickinson's Dakotadax Check Mate

2nd Lucas's Boloria Wild and Naughty

3rd Simpson's Cumhaill Cream

Res Juke's Little Graceful Lass


Junior  (3,2)

1st Corner's Cishelvine Portia at Carcorn


Post Graduate (4, 2)

1st  Eldred's Derdledash Naughty Neptune

2nd  Simpson's Jollylong Joshua's Gem


Limit (2, 1)

1st Dickinson's Derdledash Dakota at Dakotadax


Open Dog

No Entries


Open Bitch (2)

1st Simpson's Jollylong Joshua's Gem

2nd Eldred's Derdledash Moonbeam


Veteran (1)

1st Eldred's Bramalodge Amiety at Derdeldash


Puppy 1 st Miss S Eldred’s & Miss A Dickinson’s Dakotadax Check Mate; 7-mth-old bitch. Well balanced and of correct proportions and ground clearance. Good length of neck, correctly placed shoulders, good forechest. Good length of ribbing and keel, strong loin. Good hind angulation. Nothing exaggerated. Good harsh coat. Moved beautifully with reach and drive. Solid topline. BPIB 2 nd Mrs T Lucas’s Boloria Wild and Naughty; 10-mth-old bitch. Lovely feminine head, good length of neck. Good forechest. Would prefer more length of ribbing and just a bit narrow on the move. Good coat. Held a good topline on the move.


Junior 1 st Mr N & Mrs C Corner’s Cishelvine Portia at Carcorn; 15-mth-old bitch of good proportions. Good length of neck flowing to good shoulders. Good forechest, good length of ribbing. Well angulated behind. Good coat. Moved well holding her topline. BOS


Post Graduate 1 st Miss S Eldred’s Derdledash Naughty Neptune JW; 2-year-old dog of good quality. Balanced and of correct ground clearance. Masculine head, lovely reachy neck flowing to correct front assembly. Good forechest. Good length of ribbing and keel, short strong loin. Well angulated behind. Moved with purpose, reach and drive. Good harsh coat. Neat feet. Well-muscled. This dog could do a day’s work. BOB 2 nd Mrs J Simpson’s Jollylong Joshua’s Gem; 2.5-year-old bitch. Elegant head, good length of neck. Good ground clearance. Good front assembly, length of ribbing and keel. Short strong loin. Good hind angulation. Moved well, good topline, tail carried bit too high for my liking.


Limit 1 st Miss A Dickinsons’s Derdledash Dakota at Dakotadax; 2-year-old bitch. Lovely feminine head, intelligent expression. Nice outline. Ok front and feet, nice length of ribbing and keel. Good coat. Moved out well with good topline.


Open Dog – no entries


Open Bitch 1 st Mrs J Simpson’s Jollylong Joshua’s Gem; 2.5-year-old bitch. Elegant head, good length of neck. Good ground clearance. Good front assembly, length of ribbing and keel. Short strong loin. Good hind angulation. Moved well, good topline, tail carried bit too high to my liking. 2 nd Miss S Eldred’s Derdledash Moon Beam; 4-year-old bitch, bit unsettled today. Good shoulders, forechest. Would prefer more length of ribbing. Well angulated behind. Good coat. Neat feet. Good topline on the move.


Veteran 1 st Miss S Eldred’s Bramalodge Amiety at Derdledash; 8-year-old bitch of lovely proportions. Good shoulders and forechest. Nice compact body. Good hind angulation. Held a very good topline on the move and moved well with drive. BV