Saturday 20th April 2024

BIS Judge :  Simon Luxmoore (Hushwing)


Best in Show - CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput - SS


Reserve Best in Show -  O'Connell's Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor - MS


Best Puppy in Show - O'Connell's Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor - MS


Reserve Best Puppy in Show - Sieminski's Wyldertarn Genesis - SW



Judge: Mr R Holbourn (Glenlion)

BEST OF BREED : O'Connell's Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor & Reserve Best in Show & Best Puppy in Show
Best Dog : O'CONNELL Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor
Res Best Dog  : MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Black Tom

Best Bitch  : MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Sisi
Res Best Bitch  : BEACH Beachdax Queen of Hearts JW

Best Puppy : O'CONNELL Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor
Best Veteran : CROSS Stargang Sansa VW & Reserve Best Veteran in Show


Veteran Dog or Bitch (5,3)
1st:  CROSS Stargang Sansa VW
2nd: BULLINGHAM Bowetts Aventurine at Stoweytops

Minor Puppy Dog (9,1)
1st: RUDKIN Stargang Dante's Inferno For Dynastydax
2nd: PAGET & CARROLL Shantallah Simply Red
3rd:  REYNOLDS Kleinstar Moongazer
Res: REYNOLDS Kleinstar Blue Moon

VHC: MAGRI Rozamie Tiger Feet

Puppy Dog (3,2)
1st: FORGE Normpug Roman Holiday

Junior Dog (4,1)
1st: O'CONNELL Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor
2nd: GITTINS Boomerloo's Robin

3rd: WOODS Kelcardi Planet Mars

Post Graduate Dog (3)
1st: WILKINSON & WAKEMAN Bronia Gabriel for Wakywilks

2nd: BULLINGHAM Stoweytop Treacle

3rd: MAGRI Rozamie Red Corvette

Limit Dog (1)
1st: MAGRI Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rozamie

Open Dog (6,3)
1st: MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Black Tom
2nd: CROSS & BLACK Ch Riowood Red Boots
3rd: ROBERTSON Ayseebee Look Who's Talking to Ravenwood


Minor Puppy Bitch (7,5)
1st: BEACH Beachdax Girl of My Dreams
2nd: HERALD Winterfield Lady in Red

Puppy Bitch (10,6)

1st: ROBERTSON Marvale Comanche at Ravenwood
2nd:HERALD Winterfield Lucky Star
3rd: WOOD Littlescopse Black Opium

Res: SEXTON Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales

Junior Bitch (9,7)
1st: CORFIELD Russetcopse's Toffee Apple
2nd: SEXTON Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales

Post Graduate Bitch (8,3)
1st: SOMMERS Judy Rainbow

2nd: REYNOLDS Merryline Alexandra at Kleinstar
3rd: WOODS From Redteckel Story Tabita
Res: DAVIES Stargang Penny Lane
VHC: SEXTON Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales


Limit Bitch (12,5)
1st: MAGRI Rozamie Abracadebrah
2nd: GITTINS Markidachs Saffrons Gift at Boomerloo
3rd: ROBERTS & SMITH Rayol Barcelona
Res: HERALD Winterfield's June of Arabia
VHC:WOODS Ruletadax Aguila


Open Bitch (9,6)
1st:  MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Melriding Sisi
2nd: BEACH Beachdax Queen of Hearts JW
3rd: SEXTON Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales


Could I begin by thanking the Committee of the Smooth Haired Dachshund Club for asking me to judge the mini smooth classes at their open show It was an honour and privilege to be able to go over some lovely examples of the breed. For those that are interested It was good to see the average weight across the classes was 10.4lb with only a couple over 12lb. I must say a huge thank you to all the mini exhibitors that had entered and especially to those that stayed for the open show despite it starting later in the afternoon than expected. I would also like to thank my steward Amy, who kept things moving along smoothly and efficiently. VD/B (5,3) 1, BV, Cross’s Stargang Sansa VW – Spritely 13yr old bitch that carried her feminine head well and gracefully. Good level top line with strong keel and well ribbed. Good angulation both in the front and rear allowing her to move freely and smoothly around the ring. 2. Bullingham’s Bowetts Aventurine At Stoweytops, Almost 10yr old bitch nicely balanced across her frame with a good top line and good angulation in both fore and rear quarters. A strong keel and with nice feet, however, did not quite have the movement of 1 on this occasion. MPD (9,1) 1: Rudkin’s, Stargang Dante's Inferno For Dynastydax Red 6mth old dog. Good length of head into a nice neck and onto a level top line. Good angulation allowed this happy boy to move smoothly around the ring. 2. Paget & Carroll’s Shantallah Simply Red, well-balanced 8mth old with a strong neck and good rear angulation and strong bone throughout. Moved nicely around the ring. 3, Reynold’s, Kleinstar Moongazer. Res: Reynold’s Kleinstar Blue Moon. VHC: Magri’s Rozamie Tiger Feet PD (3,2)1, Forge’s Normpug Roman Holiday 10mth old Black & Tan dog with a nice head and well-set ears. Good bite and length of muzzle. Strong keel and good bone throughout with good spring of rib. Moved nicely round the ring. JD (4,1)1: BoB RBPiS BP O’Connell’s, Rijobeau Rumours at Llennocor. Eye catching black and tan 11mth old boy with a ‘look at me’ pose, good head leading into strong neck and level top line. Nicely sprung ribs and good keel, accompanied by good angulation in both the fore and rear quarters allowing this boy to move smoothly and with drive round the ring. 2: Gittins, Boomerloo's Robin, 12mth old black and tan, finer boned than 1 with well-placed ears, good bite and muzzle, nice fore and aft angulation and good on the move. 3: Woods, Kelcardi Planet Mars. PGD (3,0) 1: Wilkinson & Wakeman Bronia Gabriel for Wakywilks, 16mth old red with good top line, nice angulation in fore and rear quarters well-set ears on a not overly exaggerated regal head. Good bone throughout and strong keel. 2: Bullingham’s Stoweytop Treacle. 2yr old black and tan with good keel and good front angulation and top line. Heavier set than 1 but not overly. Nice bite and length with well-placed ears. 3. Magri’s Rozamie Red Corvette. LD (1,0) 1. Magri’s Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rozamie, 21 /2yr old with good top line, finer boned than others on the day, with a good bite and good ear placement with a nice length of neck. OD (6,3) 1: RBD Melbourne, Paget & Carroll’s Melriding Black Tom, lovely 18mth old black and tan boy with good bone throughout and evenly muscled. A balanced frame that moved smoothly round the ring through good angulation in both the fore and rear quarters. Well-placed ears on a good head and muzzle. Unfortunate to come up against the eventual BoB today. 2.Cross & Black’s Ch Riowood Red Boots 2 1 /2yr old with nice muzzle length and well-placed ears. Good angulation allowed this boy to move smoothly round although not quite with the drive of 1. Strong keel and well sprung ribs with nice length of loin with well-muscled rear quarters. 3 Robertson’s Ayseebee Look Who's Talking to Ravenwood. MPB (7,5) 1. Beach’s Beachdax Girl of My Dreams, 6mth old girl, nice head with good length of muzzle. Good top line and well sprung ribs with nice angulation in front and rear quarters that allowed smooth movement round the ring. 2. Herald’s, Winterfield Lady in Red. 8mth old with good lines and depth of chest and a good top line. However, was not quite a smooth as 1 when on the move today. PB (10,6) 1. Robertson’s, Marvale Comanche at Ravenwood 10mth old red bitch that moved smoothly around ring owing to the good angulation in the both the fore and rear quarters. Good top line and keel with nice spring of rib. 2. Hearld’s Winterfield Lucky Star, 8mth black and tan with a nice head and well-placed ears, good bite and level top line. Movement was not quite as smooth as 1 on this occasion. 3: Wood’s, Littlescopse Black Opium. Res: Sexton’s Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales JB (9,7) 1. Corfield’s, Russetcopse's Toffee Apple 15mth old bitch with good angulation in both fore and rear-quarters allowing for smooth movement with drive round the ring. Good head leading into evenly muscled frame with good spring of rib, keel and length of neck 2: Sexton’s, Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales. 10mth old slightly longer in the leg than I would prefer. However, strong neck and good length of muzzle. Movement on the day was not quite as smooth as 1. PGB (8,3) 1: Sommer’s Judy Rainbow Nice bite and head with well set ears leading into strong neck and down into a level top line. Good depth of keel and good angulation in front with nice spring of rib. Moved smoothly around the ring. 2. Reynold’s, Merryline Alexandra at Kleinstar Stood nicely when stacked with level top line and decent bone throughout and depth of keel. Did not quite have the smoothness and drive of 1. 3. Wood, From Redteckel Story Tabita. Res: Davies, Stargang Penny Lane. VHC: Sexton’s Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales. LB (12,5) 1: Magri’s Rozamie Abracadebrah 2yr old red with good length of muzzle and shape of head with well set ears. Level top line and good angulation in both fore and rear quarters allowing for efficient movement round the ring. 2. Gittin’s, Markidachs Saffrons Gift at Boomerloo 4yr old Black and Tan Shorter in length than 1. Good length of neck leading into well angulated shoulders and level top line. Did not quite have the drive round the ring of 1 on this occasion. 3: Roberts & Smith’s Rayol Barcelona Res: Herald’s Winterfield's June of Arabia. VHC: Wood’s Ruletadax Aguila. OB (9,6) 1. BB BOS Melbourne, Paget & Carroll Melriding Sisi, 18mth old Black and tan. Good length of muzzle and head with well-placed ears. Good length of neck into a level topline. Good depth of keel and spring of rib. Nice paws with defined arched toes. Good front and rear angulation providing a purposeful efficient movement round the ring. A more compact frame compared to the eventual BoB, however, it was still a very close decision. 2. Beach’s Beachdax Queen of Hearts JW Smart 3yr old black and Tan with a nice length of muzzle and graceful head leading into a slightly shorter neck than 1 with a good depth of keel for the frame and good angulation in both fore and rear-quarters. However, did not have the smoothness of 1 when on the move round the ring. 3. Sexton’s Casadesuenos Thalia at Tynkastales



Judge: Mr Simon Luxmoore (Hushwing)

BEST OF BREED : CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput & Best in Show
Best Dog  : RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW
Res Best Dog  : HUNT Carpaccio Red Knight

Best Bitch  :   CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput
Res Best Bitch :  CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hissy Fit

Best Puppy : ROBERTS & SMITH Rayol Cherry Pancake & Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran : NORTON Ch Matzell Martha &  Best Veteran in Show


Veteran Dog or Bitch (3,2)
1st: NORTON Ch Matzell Martha


Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Awesome

Puppy Dog (3)
1st: COUPLAND Rayol Charlie Brown

2nd: ASHBY Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax

3rd: WYETH Rayol Texas Ranger

Junior Dog - NO ENTRIES

Post Graduate Dog (6,1)
1st: CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hunky Dory
2nd: RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW
3rd: STEELE Withywindles The Emperor

Res: HOCKING Longmel Caprice Truffle

VHC: MACDONALD Don Pedro II Das Terras Do Cannis Lupus


Limit Dog (7)
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Red Knight
2nd: CHAUNAN Neithund Angus at Raajput
3rd: HINWOOD Adnerbs Sheer Nanagins at Longmel
Res: STARKEY Carpaccio Magnum Pi at Hamoura
VHC: GRAHAM Marvale Chancellor at Ravold


Open Dog (5,2)
1st: RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW
2nd: HOCKING Longmel Caprice Truffle
3rd: MACDONALD Don Pedro II Das Terras Do Cannis Lupus

Minor Puppy Bitch (3)
1st: PARKER Malpaspups Coco at Zorionadax
2nd: HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Rose
3rd: HINWOOD Longmel After Eight Truffle

Puppy Bitch (4)
1st: ROBERTS & SMITH Rayol Cherry Pancake
2nd: RYCROFT Carpaccio Queen Consult for Trisensara
3rd: VALENTINE Empetthounds Genesis into Tiffwazz
Res: ASHBY & SMITH Rayol Pumpkin Pie

Junior Bitch (1)
1st: STARK Gobannium Made Of Honour

Post Graduate Bitch (4)
1st: TOMLINSON Melisdax Memories of May
2nd: CHAPMAN-REITH Hayvenhund Hissy Fit
3rd: GENTLE Craimose Freesia

Res: STEELE Withywindles The Lover

Limit Bitch (6,1)
1st: TOMLINSON Melisdax Magnolia in May
2nd: CHAUHAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput

3rd:  STARK Gobannium Gladys Friday
Res: BURKE Hampdach She's Got the Look

VHC: VALENTINE Amilda Tamora to Tiffwazz

Open Bitch (5)
1st: CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput
2nd: TOMLINSON Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax
3rd:  PATERSON Cwmdarhian The Mistress
Res: STARK Adnerb Won Vision of Gobannium JW OSW

VHC: NORTON Matzell Martinella


I was delighted to be invited by the committee of The Smooth Haired Dachshund Club to judge their open show on 20th April.  My entry was excellent with 46 dogs and 38 present and judged and the atmosphere of the show was excellent which is a credit to the committee and in particular Mrs Katherine Herrington. 




VD/B 3(2)

1. Norton’s Ch. Matzell Martha. 8 year old bitch, excellent head, good reach of neck, good front, correct overall proportions, shown in excellent condition, strong loin, sound positive movement, I was delighted that not only did this veteran go BVIB but also best in the overall show, BVIS.


MPD 1(0)

1. Heels’ Daxanory Menacing Awesome.  6 month old male, clearly yet to mature in all aspects but correct skull to muzzle proportions, good sternum, a picture in profile, good lay of ribs, correct length of loin, level top-line, correct croup and a parallel gait.

PD 3(0)

1. Coupland’s Rayol Charlie Brown. Preferred the rear angulation of 1 on the day which provided plenty of drive from behind when viewed in profile, correct head, good top-line, nice reach of neck, good prospect, BPD.

2. Ashby’s Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax. Super head, correct neck and shoulders but carrying a little extra condition on the day, good overall proportions, will mature to advantage.

3. Wyeth’s Rayol Texas Rangers.


PGD 6(1)

1. Chapman-Reith’s Hayvenhund Hunky Dory.  Correct head properties, good eye, nice reach of neck, correct front, good depth of ribcage, good overall proportions, nice croup and tail set, moved to advantage.

2. Rycroft’s Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW. More compact in type however good head, balanced front and rear, on the move not quite the reach and drive of 1.

3. Steele’s Withywindles The Emperor.


LD 7(0)

Two very nice youngsters, I just preferred the overall balance and profile of 1 on the day.

1. Hunt’s Carpaccio Red Knight. Correct head, good reach of neck, good shoulders, well sprung ribcage, correct length of back, strong loin, good turn of stifle, RBD.

2. Chauhan’s Neithund Angus at Raajput.  Good head, well set ears, as much back length as I would like, however good loin, moved to advantage.

3. Hinwood’s Adnerb Sheer Nanagins at Longmel.


OD 5(2)

1. Rycroft’s Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW. A very smart male, 2 years old, no exaggerations, good masculine head, nice eye, well set ears, correct reach of neck, excellent shoulder, good turn of stifle, perfect overall balance, shown in good coat and good condition, absolutely sound on the move, BD & BOS.

2. Hocking’s Longmel Caprice Truffle.  Correct conical head, nice dark eye, just carrying a little too much condition for me on the day, balanced angulation and continues to be a nice prospect.

3. Macdonald’s Don Pedro II Das Terras Do Cannis Lupus.


MPB 3(0)

1. Parker’s Malpaspups Coco at Zorionadax.  Preferred the overall balance and proportions of 1, well angulated front and rear, good croup, well set tail, absolutely sound on the move.

2. Heels’ Daxanory Ravishing Rose.  Feminine head and expression, good reach of neck, well set shoulders, good bone, correct feet, a little long in the loin at this stage but sound on the move.

3. Hinwood’s Longmel After Eight Truffle.


PB 4(0)

1. Roberts/Smith’s Rayol Cherry Pancake. Won the class on her overall balance and angulation when viewed in profile, has an easy ground covering gait, nice feminine head and expression, absolutely parallel throughout, nice prospect, BPB & BPIB.

2. Rycroft’s Carpaccio Queen Consult for Trisensara.  Refined head, nice front, good depth of chest, not quite the turn of stifle and drive from behind as 1.

3. Velentine’s Empetthounds Genesis into Tiffwazz.


JB 1(0)

1. Stark’s Gobannium Made of Honour.  Good skull proportions, good underjaw, well angulated throughout, strong top-line, correct croup, excellent on the move, carrying as much weight as I would like on the day.


PGB 6(2)

1. Tomlinson’s Melisdax Memories of May. Won the class on her overall balance and angulation which allowed her to out-move the competition, feminine head, good top-line, nice prospect, RBB.

2. Chapman-Reith’s Hayvenhund Hissy Fit. Well proportioned, balanced when viewed in profile, nice shoulders, good top-line, not quite the turn of stifle of 1, well handled and presented.

3. Gentle’s Craimose Freesia.



LB 6(1)

1. Tomlinson’s Melisdax Magnolia in May.  Just the preferred the overall balance of 1 when viewed in profile, correct head planes, good reach of neck, correct loin, nice croup, easy gait.

2. Chauhan’s Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput.  As much length of back as I would like which rather unbalanced the profile view however excellent drive on the move.

3. Stark’s Gobannium Gladys Friday.


OB 5(0)

1. Chauhan’s Ch. Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me at Raajput. A lovely example of the breed which was particularly well handled and presented, standard fitting proportions, lovely reach of neck, excellent feminine head, good top-line, balanced throughout and her excellent angulation provided reach and drive on the move, BB & BOB, I was delighted to be able to award her overall BIS.

2. Tomlinson’s Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax. Very attractive bitch, correct gait, good overall balance, nice turn of stifle and shown in excellent condition.

3. Paterson’s Cwmdarhian The Mistress.