Belfast 2003

Judge: Mike Turner

Dachshund (Long Haired)

My thanks to the officers and committee for their invitation and for the hospitality extended. I was pleased with the entry and quality was good overall, although I was surprised at the overall low standard of some of the Miniature Longs which, in some cases, were shown totally out of coat and with no muscle tone. I was also dismayed to find exhibits in this breed, and also in Miniature Wires and Miniature Smooths, that were underweight. I am well aware how difficult it is to breed good Mniniatures that adhere to our 11lb weight limit, however, deiting dogs that are 1-2lb over the limit to keep them in the show ring is really not on. That said, I was pleased with most of my winners.

OD. (2). 1. McFaul’s, Ch/Ir Ch. Darsoms Zwagerson. Eyecattching shaded red dog put down to the minute. and in superb coat and condition. Houndy, masculine head with good reach of neck. Correct front with good pro sternum. Nice lay of shoulder, tight elbows, lengthy ribbing with short, strong loin. Well angulated quarters. Moved soundly with drive, keeping a level topline. Best of Breed and was pleased to see him in the final cut for the group. 2 Holt’s Metadale Midnight Cowboy. Smart black and tan dog, also shown in good form. Good head proportions, neat front and well ribbed up, powerful hindquarters. Moved smartly, just preferred the reach of neck of the winner. Res Best Dog.

OB (3) 1 McFaul’s Ch Darsoms Zwagerbrae. Black and tan bitch in gleaming coat and condition. Feminine yet houndy head with tight almond eye. Good front assembly with plenty of length and depth of ribcage. Well angulated rear, moved well fore and aft. Best Bitch. 2 Warke’s Ch and Ir Ch Darsoms Zanastasia. Shaded red bitch of similar make up to the winner. Well made bitch all through, but not as good in front as the winner. Moved with drive, keeping her topline. Res Best Bitch.