Judge: Mr T MATHER

BEST OF BREED : HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia
Dog CC : HAYES Swansford Clusterdor Mitt Dialhouse
Res Dog CC : HANNEY-MITCHELL Dachyclan Lochlan At Bronia (imp Aus)
Bitch CC : HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia
Res Bitch CC : MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Blithe Spirit
Best Puppy : REID Cavallibrook One Final Kiss at Maudaxi
Best Veteran :
Best Special Beginner :

Puppy Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HAYES Swansford Daewooador Mitt Dialhouse

Junior Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Dachyclan Lochlan At Bronia (imp Aus)
2nd:PIKE & CARTER Breezelyn Love You Long Time

Post Graduate Dog NO ENTRIES

Limit Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HAYES Swansford Clusterdor Mitt Dialhouse

Class 1052 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Veteran Dog NO ENTRIES

Special Beginner Dog NO ENTRIES

Good Citizen Dog NO ENTRIES

Puppy Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: REID Swansford Daphnedora At Maudaxi
2nd: MCGAVIGAN & PETTIGREW Pettigans Veni Vidi Vici
3rd: LUMLEY Swansford Diadora
Res: MAXWELLL & CHALMERS Pettigans Voulez Vous

Junior Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PIKE & CARTER Breezelyn Longing For Love
2nd: REID Cavallibrook One Final Kiss at Maudaxi

Post Graduate Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Limit Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: LUMLEY Dagastren Martha My Dear

Open Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia
2nd: MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Blithe Spirit

Veteran Bitch NO ENTRIES

Special Beginner Bitch NO ENTRIES

Good Citizen Bitch NO ENTRIES
PD (1) 1 Hayes, Swansford Daewooador Mitt Dialhouse. Just 6 months of age and very much a baby but he acquitted himself well here. Good length of head. Kind masculine expression. Strong jaw. Decent forehand and good ribs which extend well back. Particularly good hind action and held his outline well at all times. 
JD (2) Two good quality dogs. 1 Hanney-Mitchell, Dachyclan Lochlan At Bronia (imp Aus). Reserve CC. Beautifully balanced with good ground clearance and scores in front assembly with tight, flexible elbows, good bone and feet. Good topline. Moved soundly both ways but did give the impression of being rather bored by the proceedings! 2 Pike & Carter, Breezelyn Love You Long Time. Well ribbed with good topline and tailcarriage. Ribs extend well back and his sternum is a good length. Moved soundly with good head carriage. 
LD (1) 1 Hayes, Swansford Clusterdor Mitt Dialhouse. CC. Good length of head, dark eyes, strong jaw. Good neck and shoulders and well-constructed forehand. Well bodied with good muscle tone. Moved soundly. 
PB (4) 1 Reid, Swansford Daphnedora At Maudaxi. Pleasing to handle as she is well made all through. Good forehand with decent bone and close knit, well-padded feet. Attractive, feminine expression. Moved well with an easy sound stride. 2 McGavigan & Pettigrew, Pettigans Veni Vidi Vici. Mature in both coat and body and presets a good outline with her proud carriage and good topline. Plenty of forechest, well ribbed. Not quite the feet of the winner. 3 Lunley, Swansford Diadora. JB (2) 1 Pike & Carter, Breezelyn Longing For Love. Attractive feminine head and expression. Good length of neck which she used well on the move, firm topline with some strength over the loin. Sound and typical on the move. 2 Reid, Cavallibrook One Final Kiss. Just 9 monhts old and rather promising. Good length of head, dark eyes, good neck and shoulders. Well developed keel and good length of sternum. Moved well and has some style. 
LB (3,2) 1 Lumley, Dagastren Martha My Dear. Attractive head and feminine expression, strong jaw. Good topline. A shade narrow all through and this was reflected in her movement. Shown in good condition. 
OB (3,1) 1 Hanney-Mitchell, Ch Cavallibrook Final Fling Bronia. CC & BOB. A lovely bitch both standing and on the move with her free, sound, active flowing action. She presents a lovely outline with her good deportment and typical topline with some strength over the loin. Nicely rounded bottom and good muscle tone.
2 McNaughton, Ch Cedavoch Blithe Spirit. Reserve CC. Pleasing for both type and balance. Good ground clearance. Decent forehand, good feet, pleasing length of rib. Moved soundly. 
Tom Mather