Judge: Julien Barney

BEST OF BREED : GEESON Ch Abydachs Return of the Night
Dog CC : GEESON Ch Abydachs Return of the Night
Res Dog CC : LEWIS Trixhund Opium

Bitch CC : ROBERTS Swansford Aquadora
Res Bitch CC : GEESON Ch Abydachs Fire in Her Soul

Best Puppy : LEWIS Trixhund Ten From Len

Best Veteran : LEWIS Trixhund Opium & Hound Veteran Group 1


Veteran Dog (2)
1st LEWIS Trixhund Opium

2nd: HUGHES Rossann Bonnie Blue


Minor Puppy Dog(1)

1st: LEWIS Trixhund Ten One King


Puppy Dog (4,1)

1st: LEWIS Trixhund Ten From Len

2nd: CAUSER Ratterdachs Under Pressure

3rd: DOYLE Kindeace Light My Fire


Junior Dog (3,1)

1st CAUSER Ratterdachs Under Pressure

2nd: PIKE & CARTER Breezelyn Love You Long Time


Yearling Dog (1)

1st: FRICKER Sundayshll Theodore at Borzdac


Post Graduate Dog (1)
1st: CROSS Breezlyn Long Way to Go to Loggeta

Limit Dog - NO ENTRIES


Open Dog (3)
1st: GEESON Ch Abydachs Return of the Night

2nd: ROBERTS Ch Swansford Prestonador

3rd: METCALFE-BILGIN Metadale Monterey Jack


Veteran Bitch (1)
1st: BAILEY Glasvey Double Trouble for Loggeta


Minor Puppy Bitch (2)
1st: LEWIS Trixhund One Queen

2nd: PARTRIDGE Pettigans Viva La Vida by Riveroyal


Puppy Bitch (4,3)
1st DUNHILL Kindeace Brown Eyed Girl at Gellijam

2nd: PALMER Ratterdach Love of My Life


Junior Bitch (3,1)
1st: PIKE & CARTER Breezlyn Longing for Love

2nd: PALMER Ratterdach Love of My Life


Yearling Bitch (4)
1st: EVE Sundayshill Savannah

2nd: GEESON Abydachs Hot Patootie


Post Graduate Bitch (1)
1st:GEESON The Marquis Mansion's Atlantic C to Abydachs (Imp NLD)

Limit Bitch (8,5)
1st: ROBERTS Swansford Aquadora

2nd: METCALFE-BILGIN Metadale Merengue

3rd: BURLEY & WAY Swansford Almadora

Open Bitch (3,1)
1st: GEESON Ch Abydachs Fire in her Soul
2nd:PIKE & CARTER Zarcrest Angelina Jolie at Breezlyn



VD (2) 1 Trixhund Opium JW ShCM ShCEx (Lewis) Stylish mover with presence around the ring. Went on to BVIB then won the hound veteran group. Correct footfall both ways. In super coat and condition for age. Good conical masculine head with correct expression.clean forehand, well ribbed back in to strong loin and well made rear. BV and RCC 2 Rossann Bonnie Blue (Hughes) In good condition, but didn’t have the drive from his back end on the move, not quite as well made behind. Good bone and feet, good spring of rib and kept his top line on the move, which was a little lack lustre. Pleasing masculine head and expression. MPD (1) 1 Trixhund One King (Lewis) Head needs to break very immature at this stage. A well made front supported with good bone and well made feet. Like a little more return of upper arm. Good spring of rib and well back into a good loin kept his top line well and as his confidence grow he started to move with some style and purpose keeping his tail carriage under control. PD (3) 1 Trixhund Ten from Len (Lewis) BP. Little brother to MP and again moved with a positive attitude. Well ribbed back with correct spring, strong arched loin with a correct top line. Good bone and feet. Moved out well, in super coat and condition for his age and well presented by the handler. 2 Ratterdachs under Pressure (Causer) Nice masculine head and expression with a good eye and correctly set ear. Good spring of rib and well back. Kept his top line in profile. His front movement was a little tied and I would have liked to have seen some more re drive away on the move. 3 Kindeace Light My Fire (Doyle) JD (3) 1 Ratterdachs under Pressure (Causer) 2 Breezelyn Love You Long Time (Pike & Carter) A well made rear with correct bend of stifle. Plenty of bone and shown in good coat and condition. A little long and low for my liking and could be ribbed further back and less loin. Got a distracted on the move. YD (1) 1 Sundayshill Theodore at Borzdac (Fricker)
 Good conical head with a lovely kind eye and expression, correctly set ear. A good spring of rib and one with a pro-sternum. Good strong loin. Correct bone and feet. Good movement fore and aft, just tended to loss his top line in profile. GD (1) 1 Breezelyn Long Way to Go to Loggeta (Cross) Shoen in super coat and condition and super rich red colour. Masculine head and expression well set ear. Good bone and feet.like slightly better body height to length proportions. Good front movement. OD (3) 1 Ch Abydachs Return of The Night (Geeson) Two differing types in this class, just preferred his proportions to 2nd today. A masculine conical head with kind expression, a prosternum. With good bone and correct feet. Flowing through from neck into a level top line. Which he kept in profile movement. Well sprung rib and well back and substance through his body. Well presented and coat and condition were good. CC and BOB 2 Ch Swansford Prestonador (Roberts) A masculine dog all through, showed himself well with a bit of attitude. Keeps a correct top line on move in profile. Would like a bit more return of upper arm. Well ribbed back and good spring with a prosternum. Well turned out with a real shine to his coat. Like a little more drive behind. 3 Metadale Monterey Jack (Metcalfe-Bilgin) VB (1) 1 Glasvey Double Trouble for Loggeta (Bailey) Well made front assembly, with a feminine head and expression and good eye. Plenty of coat with a shine to it. Good spring of ribs but would like a slight shorter loin. Moved well enough both ways. MPB (2) 1 Trixhund One Queen (Lewis) Preferred the overall balance and proportions to 1st over 2nd. Needs to settle on the move tending to rise slightly over the loin. Like her litter brother head needs to break, but no doubt a feminine head and expression. Good prosternum and well ribbed and well sprung. Moved with more confidence and drive compared to 2nd. Show in good condition. 2 Pettigans Viva La Vida by Riveroyal (Partridge) A pretty bitch with a correct top line. Correct bone and feet. Would like a slight more balanced head at this stage, needs to grow to her muzzle. Well ribbed back with good spring. Front movement could be a little tighter coming towards you. Going away is ok. PB (3) 1 Kindeace Brown Eyed Girl at Gellijam (Dunhill) Preferred her overall balance with Good bone and feet. Pleasing conical head and expression into a clean neck and well laid shoulder. Well sprung rib and good loin. Kept a correct tail carriage on the move. In good order with a good coat and correct texture. 2 Ratterdach Love of My Life (Palmer) A well made bitch behind with good bend of stifle and short rear pastern. Well ribbed back and good spring. Would have liked her front assembly firmer and further back to her body. Made her look bum high on the profile move. JB (3,1) 1 Breezelyn Longing for Love (Pike & Carter) Moved with some uumph around the ring, kept her top line and correct tail carriage. Correct bone and good broad feet. Presented a well balance picture on the move in full coat and correct texture. A feminine conical head with a kind expression and correctly set ears. A clean neck and shoulder flowing into her strong top line. 2 Ratterdach Love of My Life (Palmer) YB (3,1) 1 Sundayshill Savannah (Eve) I preferred her height to length proportions and balance to 2nd. Good bone and feet. Well ribbed back, however would like a slightly shorter loin. A well made rear and drove off from behind. Well muscled and in good coat and condition. Kept her balance in profile movement. 2 Abydachs Hot Patootie (Geeson) Shown in top order with good broad front feet. Pleasing feminine head and expression. Just like a like more length of muzzle. In super coat and well conditioned. Moved well both ways keeping her top line in profile. PGB (1) 1 The Marquis Mansion’s Atlantic C to Abydachs (Imp Nld) (Geeson) Would benefit from not carrying too much weight across the shoulder. A rich Black and Tan colour. A feminine head and expression with correct eye and well set ear. Kept her top line on the move in profile and certainly drove out well from behind. Well ribbed back with a strong loin. Boone and feet. LB (3) 1 Swansford Aquadora (Roberts) A really good mover keeping her top line around the ring and showing some drive away. Good lay of shoulder into a well sprung rib and a prosternum. A lovely feminine head and expression with a good dark almond eye. Correct ear set. I believe this gave her crowning CC today. 2 Metadale Merengue (Metcalfe-Bilgin) Not as settled and confident on the move today. Would like a slightly stronger conical head, that said it was feminine. Well ribbed back with a good sting and strong loin. A defined prosternum. Super rich colour and in cook condition and correct texture. Her movement let her down today. 3 Swansford Almadora (Burley & Way) OB (3,1) 1 Ch Abydachs Fire in Her Soul (Geeson) A lovely feminine bitch all through. Good head and gentle expression well sprung rib and a strong loin, kept her top line on the move and could drive from a well made rear construction with correct bend of stifle. Really positive and happy movement. But would benefit from a few pounds less all through. RCC 2 Zarcrest Angelina Jolie at Breezelyn (Pike & Carter) Not quite the head of 1st lacking a little fill under the eye. And would like more return of upper arm and a cleaner flow through the neck and shoulder. Good spring of rib and correct length of loin. A well made rear assembly and kept a correct top line on the move. 
Mr Julien Barney