Crufts 2007 Results
Judge(s): Mrs R Lockett-Walters
Many thanks for the wonderful entry I felt the depth of quality to be in the dogs rather than the bitches which is rather unusual entry. Temperament on the whole was very good, and there was a great variation in type and size. The main items I found of concert were the amount of level bites which need to be kept in check, also there are many that are narrow through the pelvis causing narrow back action and weak hind quarters. There were also several that were shown too fat which is no substitute for muscle tone and condition.
Vet D (4,1) 1. Lovick-Gibbs Ch Roleta Play Wright. B/t outstanding in this class still looking the part at 9 years of age, a very worthy champion that is soundly constructed and can still move out with drive, in superb condition. 2. Wollage’s Ch Matzell Maraduke. Red showing his age a little more than 1, due to his colour, lovely outline, moves soundly his overall condition is a credit to his owner. 3. Jeffery’s Rosenket Whata Wizard at Andax,. B/t pleasing to go over not the drive of the two above him.
SpPD (4) 1 Dalgety’s Thundergay Archduke. B/t lovely head and eye, strong reachy neck, well placed shoulder good topline which is kept on the move, good bond and strong well knuckled feet. 2. Armstongs Lauralee Golden Boots. Red, nicely put together moves well, keeping a good outline, not the maturity of the winner. 3. Walkley’s Churchoak Red Adair, red promising youngster, not the shoulders of the two above him but this can improve with time still needs to tighten up in movement. 4 Burke& Manston’s Bonavoir the Waxie Dargle.
SpJD (8) This was a difficult class to judge there were some very promising youngsters all at different stages of maturity which effected my decision 1. Earles & Tite Lauralee the X Factor. B/t nice head good eye, sufficient neck, excellent shoulder and front assembly, good length and spring of rib shown in good hard condition, moves a little close behind. 2. Walkley’s Churchoak Cardinal Sin. C/t sound to go over has all the essentials, still immature and needs to tighten up in movement this will come with maturity and roadwork. 3. Norton’s Matzell Master Mariner. Good conformation, would prefer more bone, still looking an adolescent on the move needs to firm up and mature. 4 .McNaughton’s Cedavoch Galadrim.
PGD (8,1) 1. CC & BOB Joy’s Rosenket Hot Property with Moailsa. What a cracker, I fell in love with him the moment he entered the ring. A strong stallion hound with out being overdone. Strong masculine head, good eye shape and colour, clean neck, well placed shoulder, good front and prosternum, strong bone and feet,,good spring and length of rib and superb rear angulation which he uses to the full, a pleasure to watch on the move he can really drive out from behind and has good forward reach which enabled him to cover the ground with ease. Shown in good hard condition. 2.Burke & Manston’s Bonavoir Molton Brown. C/t another nice one of lovely type, not as strong in substance as 1 or the hind angulation 3. Marsh’s Marshwick Merrison. Soundly made would prefer more bone and needs to muscle up and tighten in movement. 4. Jones Adnerb’s Mystification.
LD (10) 1 Armstong’s Lauralee Hot Chocolate. RCC strong masculine hound, superb bone and feet, pleasing head, reachy strong neck, excellent shoulder, good deep oval front which is well filled in, strong rib and topline, strong well angulated hindquarter which us used to the full on the move, really drives out well keeping a sound topline, won this class with ease, when it came to the challenge would like him in a slightly smaller mould, has a great deal to offer the breed. 2. Hunt’s Carpaccio Black Sabbath. B/T smart clean outline, moves well, not the shoulder placement of the winner.3. Wolage’s Matzell Milord. Red, pleasing to go over in excellent condition, good bone and substance nice front and shoulder not the angulation or drive of the two above him. 4. Earkes & Tite Lauralee Role of Honour via Rijobeau.
OD (11) 1.Hunt’s Ch Ir Ch D’Arisca Class Distinctionat Carpaccio. C/t excellent construction, pleasing head, sufficient neck, lovely shoulders, sound front, ribbing and topline, strong well muscled hindquarter, lovely outline on the move, covers the ground well, a very worthy champion. 2.Cooper’s Ch Sontag Simon le Bone. B/t another sound worthy champion well constructed shown in tiptop condition, he was a little apprehensive and not putting his all in hence his placing. 3. Armstong’s Ch Lauralee Lloyd George. B/t excellent bone and feet which is consistent from this kennel,lovely head, reachy neck strong powerful shoulders excels in length and spring of rib, felt he was carrying a little too much weight on the shoulder which spoils his outline and makes him appear heavier than he is. 4. McCarthy’s Ch Seatris Laced with Success.
VB (1) 1. Hunts’s Ch Carpaccio Diamond Eclipse. b/t stood along but a very worthy winner lovely clean classic out line moves well in excellent condition.
SpPB (7,2) 1 Norton’s Matzell Maid of Honours. RCC red beautiful pushed hard for the CC it was simply maturity that my decision was based on. Good head neck, excellent shoulder ribbing, and topline, good oval front, strong well angulated quarter which she uses to the full a certain future champion, wish she was mine.2. Armstrong’s Lauralee Turn Back Time. Red, full of confidence for a youngster nicely made moves soundly, her happy tail on the movespoils her outline, not the maturity of Maid of Honour, needs more time 3. Dalgety’s Thundergay Magdelena. B/t superb front and outline, has plenty of substance and moves soundly felt she was a touch too low to ground 4. Walkley’s Churchoaks Modesty Blazes.
SpJB (5) 1. Turners’s Marictur Uptown Madam. JW b/t plenty of substance, good front and shoulder placement, ribbing of good length strong well balanced quarters, shown in good hard condition , moves out soundly. 2. Bethel’s Hampdach Dulcina. Red nice type with a clean out line moves well, would prefer more bone3. Melbourne’s Lauralee Take That to Melriding. B/t soundly made, clean out line and kept good topline on the move, not the rear drive or angulation to the two above her. 4. Hedges Welcumen Welcumen Returned Kiss to Silandajo.
PGB (10,4) 1 Lovic-Gibbs Roleta Remember When. B/t very pleasing feminine bitch,with substance, sweetest of heads, good clean neck, front and shoulder, well ribbed strong loin balanced quarters, moves out well won this class with ease. 2. H Dulcina 3. Jones Pheland Secret Diva to Adnerb. Red soundly made still lack maturity. 4 .Davis Adnerb’s Be Friended.
LB (8,1) 1. Armstongs’s Lauralee Single Girl. B/t nice head, strong neck, excellent front and prosternum shoulders spot on, good length and spring of rib, well angulated quarters which she uses to the full, interesting to see litter sister to RCC dog winner, in excellent hard condition 2, Rawson & Walkley’s Churchoak Chit Chat with Rosenket. Nicely made had all the correct angles and well put together, excellent bone and substance, would like more ground clearance, felt she was a touch too low. 3 Dalgety’s Thundergay Surely Charmed. C/t good out line not the fluency of movement of the two about her 4. Graham’s Roleta Wright Choice for Gameron.
OB (11,1) A lovely class of quality bitches, however there were many variations in type and size which made judging difficult. 1. Norton’s Ch Matzell Malua. A b/t feminine with substance, extremely well constructed moves correctly with drive,keeping lovely clean outline in the challenge was looking for her kennel mate in the ring behind her which spoilt her topline on the move. 2. Turner’s Ch Marictur Miss Midnight. A worthy champion shown in excellent condition, preferred the bone and substance of Melua 3. Mercieca Mlt Ch Emmanuela Nera at Chebec. Loved her clean outline and ring presence which won her this place, most exquisite head and clean long neck would prefer a little more width of front 4. Rawson’s & Walkley Churchoak Hot Gossip about Rosenket.
Ruth Lockett-Walters