Blackpool Championship Show 2019 |
Dachshund (Smooth-haired) |
Judge(s): Judge(s): MRS JILL HOLGATE |
Post Graduate - Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0 |
Open - Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 1 |
Junior - Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 1 |
Post Graduate - Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0 |
PGD (1) 1 Crosbie’s Bonavoir Red Hector. Head well balanced, strong clean neck and shoulders. Deep in chest, and short over the loin. I would just prefer a bit more forefront. Moved well.
OD (3, 1) 1 Paget & Carroll’s Lauralee Oscar Wild At Marvale. BD, BOB. One who caught my eye when he came in the ring. Classic head shape, dark eye. Strong slightly arched neck following through to well placed shoulders. Deep chest and good forefront with correctly placed foreleg. Short and strong over the loin. Strode out well on the move. 2 Stringfellow’s Sontag Silvan Sorcerer. RBD. Another well balanced dog of good proportions. Deep chest, strong neck and shoulders. Correct Length of back to height. Moved ok.
JB (2, 1) 1 Steel & Aitken’s Demorgan Princess Margaret. BB. Very feminine young girl, slightly arched over the skull and with equal length form tip of nose to eyes and eyes to the back of the skull. Level topline which was held well on the move. Deep chest and well ribbed. Moved well. A pleasure to give her BB and BP.
PGB (2) 1 Stringfellow’s Oxondachs Amethyst At Silvatica. RBB. Clean strong neck, onto well placed shoulders. Good depth of chest and well ribbed. Balanced head. Short and strong front quarters placed well. Just carrying a little too much weight today. 2 Balch’s Lauralee Lynda La Plante. A little apprehensive today probably put off by the heat. I liked her all over balance. Pleasing well proportioned head. Clean lines to the shoulders. Correct topline moved ok.