Hound Association of Scotland Championship Show 2021


Judge: Ian Smith (Salixian)

Best Dog   : MACDONALD Bensarka Limerick
Res Best Dog  : PLAYFAIR Kaimknowe Ansas

Best Bitch : PLAYFAIR Kaimknowe Capella
Res Best Bitch   : RODGER Cedavoch Sophisticate at Thundergay

Best Puppy :

Best Veteran :

Best Junior :PLAYFAIR Kaimknowe Capella

Junior Dog or Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st:  PLAYFAIR Kaimknowe Capella

Novice Dog or Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: PLAYFAIR Kaimknowe Ansas

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: SWANSON Cotherstone Cosmic Claude Via Altimarlach

Open Dog (2 Entries) Abs : 0
1st: MACDONALD Bensarka Limerick

2nd : REYNOLDS Cwmdarhian San Domenico


Open Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: RODGER Cedavoch Sophisticate at Thundergay


J (1) 1 Playfair’s Kaimknowe Capella. 17 month old B/T bitch, pleasing feminine head, correct eye, good length of neck, nice size and well proportioned, reasonable front, sufficient clearance, stood well but rear movement let her down in challenge. BB.
 N (1) 1 Playfair’s Kaimknowe Ansas. Good sized three year old chocolate dog, strong head and front, decent length of neck and shoulders, level top line, tight feet, a little more ribbing would be better, nothing exaggerated, moved soundly. RBD. 
PG (1) 1 Swanson’s Cotherstone Cosmic Claude. Two year old B/T dog, heavy deep front, could lose a pound or so, tight feet, limited clearance, good head and eye, good topline and length of keel, moved well and straight. 
OD (2) 1 MacDonald’s Bensarka Limerick. Two year old red dog, pleasing head, strong front, good shoulders, decent neck, fair topline, good rear angles, moved well with confidence. BD and BOB. 2 Reynolds’ Cwmdarhian San Domenico. 23 month old red dog, good masculine head and jaw, decent length of neck, strong front, a little short in upper arm, good ribbing, level topline, not as positive on the move and rather close behind. 
OB (1) 1 Rodgers’ Cedavoch Sophisticate At Thundergay. Three year old red bitch, pleasing feminine head, good almond eye, strong front if rather on the heavy side, short in upper arm, moved reasonably well. RBB.