Leeds Championship Show 2021
Judge: Mrs Sandra Marshall

BEST OF BREED : MOES WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian The Duchess
Dog CC : MOES WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Rocket Man
Res Dog CC : MACDONALD Bensarka Limerick
Bitch CC : MOES WILLIAMS, Mr C Ch Cwmdarhian The Duchess
Res Bitch CC : MOES WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Welsh Affair
Best Puppy : MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann
Best Veteran : STARKEY Ch Carpaccio Jasper From Hamoura Sh.CM VW
Best Special Beginner : WOOD HundPoint Meena Tils
Puppy Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Struuann
2nd: HINWOOD Anerbs Sheer Nanagins
Junior Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: CHAUHAN Raajput's Blacky Returns
Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis
2nd: SWANSON Cotherstone Cosmic Claude Via Altimarlach
Limit Dog
(4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MACDONALD Bensarka Limerick
2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Finwe
3rd: LUCAS Tramardachs Dunkirk Dustup
Open Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MOES WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Rocket Man
2nd:TWADDLE & GRACE Cotherstone Hashtag Sasilasy
Veteran Dog
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: STARKEY Ch Carpaccio Jasper From Hamoura Sh.CM VW
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WOOD HundPoint Meena Tils
Puppy Bitch
(4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MELBOURNE Marvale Double Dealing with Melriding
2nd: OBRIEN Almanznyi Laretz Europe II at Delekadax (Imp Rus)
3rd: PEEL & ANDISON Clentry All Ways Russian
Res : WOOD
HundPoint Meena Tils
Junior Bitch
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CHAUHAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput
2nd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Quenya
Post Graduate Bitch
(5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: NORTON Matzell Martinella
2nd: STARK Adnerbs Won Vision Of Gobannium JW
3rd: BORRELLI Philabar The Original
Res: HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Minx
Limit Bitch
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MOES WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Welsh Affair
2nd: TOMLINSON Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax
3rd: HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Meg
Open Bitch(6
Entries) Abs: 2
1st: MOES WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian The Duchess
2nd: CHAUHAN Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput
3rd: NORTON Ch Matzell Martha
Res: LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines For Pete's Sake
PD (4, 2) 1McNaughton’s Cedavoch Struann. BP.
Red of lovely shape and type. Excellent construction all through and is well
ribbed up. Can only go on to greater things. 2 Hinwood’s Anerbs Sheer
Nanagins. B/t who is well boned and quite shapely. Heavier in head than
ideal but is well off for body. Rather unsettled but time is on his side.
JD (2, 1) 1 Chauhan’s Raajput’s Blacky
Returns. Liked his head and overall shape. Prominent forechest and is well
ribbed up, firm, shapely quarters. Very confident on the move.
PGD (2) 1 Heel’s Daxanory Menacing Dennis.
Masculine head, good eye, firm neck, well ribbed up and held topline on the
move. 2 Swanson’s Cotherstone Cosmic Claude Via Altimarlach. B/t who is
heavier in built than first. Pleasing head and eye, deep through ribs and
has a firm topline. Not as positive in hind movement as first.
LD (4, 1) 1 Macdonald’s Bensarka Limerick. Res
CC. Red dog of lovely shape and quality. Liked his size, lovely head and
eye, reachy neck let into well laid shoulders, firm topline and well
developed quarters, sound and free movement. 2 McNaughton’s Cedavoch Finwe.
Shaded red of lovely type and quality. Unlucky to meet first on fine form.
Another who moved on a positive stride. 3 Lucas’ Tramardachs Dunkirk
OD (4, 2) 1 Moes Williams’ Cwmdarhian Rocket
Man. CC. Liked his head and reachy neck into well laid shoulders, firm
quarters. Well off for body and bone. Presented in excellent condition. 2
Twaddle & Grace’s Cotherstone Hashtag Sasilasy. B/t of heavier build.
Pleasing head, has forechest, firm topline and shapely quarters. Would
prefer more ground clearance.
VD (1) Starkey’s Ch Carpaccio Jasper From
Hamoura. 9 yrs old b/t. Pleasing head, reachy neck into shoulders, firm
topline and hammy quarters, moved on a fluid stride.
SBD/B (1) 1 Wood’s Hundpoint Meena Tils. B/t
who has a feminine head, prominent forechest, well off for body and shown in
lovely coat, firm quarters and moved on a firm stride.
PB (4) 1 Melbourne’s Marvale Double Dealing
With Melriding. B/t of lovely shape and full of quality, has it all plus
movement. 2 O’Brien’s Almaznyi Laretz Europe At Delekadax (Imp Rus). Another
very promising b/t who has a pleasing head, good reach of neck into a level
topline, shapely quarters. 3 Peel & Anderson’s Clentry All Ways Russian.
JB (2) 1 Chauhan’s Adnerb Forever Charmed At
Raajput. Lovely shape and quality. Reachy neck set into well laid shoulders,
firm topline and well defined quarters. Should continue her winning ways. 2
McNaughton’s Cedavoch Quenya. Quality youngster who has a feminine head,
bright eye, reachy neck into topline and hammy quarters, excellent on the
PGB (5, 1) 1 Norton’s Matzell Martinella.
Shapely red, so sound and typy, lovely head and expression, well laid
shoulders, good bone and feet, strong topline held on the move. 2 Stark’s
Adnerbs Won Vision Of Gobannium. Red of pleasing shape, feminine head, good
neck and level topline, hammy quarters, free mover. 3 Borrelli’s Philabar
The Original.
LB (3) 1 Moes Williams’ Cwmdarhian Welsh
Affair. Res CC. Shaded red of lovely shape and balance and that coupled with
her excellent movement gave her the Res CC. Loved her. 2 Tomlinson’s
Bensarka Emerald Isle Of Melisdax. Very typey girl, unlucky to come up
against first. She has a feminine head, firm neck into shoulders and a level
topline, full of quality. 3 Heel’s Daxanory Ravishing Meg.
OB (6, 2) 1 Moes Williams’ Ch Cwmdarhian The
Duchess. CC and BOB. Super red who is full of type and quality. Beautifully
constructed, so well balanced and excellent on the move. 2 Chauhan’s Adnerbs
Take A CHance On Me At Raajput. B/t of excellent type and quality, so
beautifully crafted. Positive on the move. 3 Norton’s Ch Matzell Martha.
Sandra M. Marshall