Border Union Championship Show 2022
Dachshund (Smooth-haired)
Mr D C Rodger (Thundergay)

Dog CC : MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Struuann
Res Dog CC : ANDISON & PEEL Cedavoch Drizzle of Rain
Bitch CC : MITCHELL Bronia Solar Flare
Res Bitch CC: MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Double Dealing with
Best Puppy : ANDISON & PEEL Cedavoch Drizzle of Rain
Puppy Dog (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: ANDISON & PEEL Cedavoch Drizzle of Rain
Junior Dog (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: BINKS & MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Ocean Storm
Yearling Dog (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Struuann
Limit Dog (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: SWANSON Cotherstone Cosmic Claude via Altimarlach
Open Dog (2 Entries) Abs : 1
1st: GRACE & TWADDLE Cotherstone Hashtag Sasilasy
Puppy Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 1
1st: MITCHELL Bronia Solar Flare
Junior Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 1
1st: ANDISON & PEEL Cedavoch Argentine Tango
Graduate Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: BALFOUR Clentry Mickey Mania
Post Graduate Bitch (1 Entry) Abs : 0
1st: BALFOUR Clentry Mickey Mania
Limit Bitch (2 Entries) Abs : 0
1st: MELBOURNE, PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Double Dealing with
2nd: GRACE & TWADDLE Excellmagic Vanda Vogue at Sasilasy (Imp Rus)
I’d like to thank the Officers and Committee
of Border Union for inviting me to judge Standard Smooth Hair Dachshunds and
also to my two excellent stewards for their help. PD (1) 1.Andison/Peel’s
Cedavoch Drizzle Of Rain. 11½ months red of quality with good dentition,
nice head and eye, good length of neck going into well placed shoulders,
ribbing was well back, good anguation fore and aft, level top-line kept at
all times, RDCC & BP.
JD (1) 1 1.Binks/McNaughton’s Cedavoch Ocean
Storm. A nice looking dog with good head and eye, a good reach of neck,
top-line was good as was rear angulation however was very unsettled on the
table which let him down.
YD (1) 1 1.McNaughton’s Ch. Cedavoch Struuann.
A very well constructed dog in excellent condition with good head and eye,
good reach of neck, good shoulder placement, good angulation fore and aft
and a level top-line kept at all times, just flowed round the ring, was
pleased to award him DCC & BOB.
LD (1) 1.Swanson’s Cotherstone Cosmic Claude
via Altimarlach. 3 year old but in good condition with a nice head and eye,
top-line kept at all times, moved well from behind but just a tad narrow in
front, a little bit unsettled today.
OD (2,1) 1.Grace/Twaddle’s Cotherstone Hashtag
Sasilasy. B/t, a very good looking dog with good head and eye, good length
of neck, nice shoulder placement, good angulation fore and aft, top-line
kept at all times, moved freely round the ring.
PB (1) 1.Hanney-Mitchell’s Bronia Solar Flare.
Red, I had the pleasure of judging this one when she was much younger and I
liked her then and she didn’t disappoint this time, she has loads of
attitude, holds hserself well, beautiful head and eye, ribbed well back,
great top-line held at all times, good angulation, a very true mover, I know
she’s still a youngster but was pleased to give her her first CC, BCC.
JB (1) 1.Andison/Peel’s Cedavoch Argentine
Tango. A lovely example of the breed with good head and eye, good length of
neck going into well placed shoulders well ribbed back, good front and
underline, would have preferred to have been a little wider behind.
GB (1) 1.Balfour’s Clentry Mickey Mania. A
quality bitch who was nice to go over, has good head and eye, good length of
neck, good shoulders ribbed well back, good angulation fore and aft, moved
well, nice to see her keeping her tail down, try and keep her nail under
PGB (1) 1.Balfour’s Clentry Mickey Mania. 1st
in GB.
LB (2) 1.Melbourne’s Marvale Double Dealing
with Melriding. B/t, I have had the pleasure of going over her before, I
liked what I saw, she has good head and eye, good length of neck, good
shoulders, good angulation front and rear, moved well and well handled,
pleased to award her RBCC. 2 Twaddle’s Excellmagic Vanda Vogue at Sasilasy
(imp RUS). A nice looking bitch in good condition, good head and eye,
dentition good, nice length of neck going into a level top-line, angulation
was good front and rear, moved well.
David C Rodger