Class 1920 SBD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Class 1921 PD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4211 MARSH, Mr A W & JONES, Mr E W Marshwick Hope and Glory, choc/tan, 7 months, quality head, with good eye shape and colour, plenty of strength and depth of jaw, ears set well, well laid shoulder and good keel, firm level topline, strong rounded rump. Not as good in front, forelegs not close to body and turns her feet in. BP & RBB
Class 1922 JD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Class 1923 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4213 STARKEY, Mrs W G M Carpaccio Magnum P.I. @ Hamoura, strongly made masculine boy with a super houndy male head, very good front and feet, good keel and sternum, level topline, moved out really well with strong drive from a well muscled rear; would like his good depth of ribbing carried back a touch further. Still a youngster and more to come from him. BD & BOB.
Class 1924 LD NO ENTRIES
Class 1925 OD NO ENTRIES
Class 1926 PGB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4210 MARSH, Mr A W & JONES, Mr E W Marshwick Black Princess, dam of the puppy, and has given her many good qualities, shapely head with dark eye, would like a touch more underjaw; good clean shoulder and front, feet on the flat side; well ribbed up with firm topline, strong rump with good length of thigh and second thigh, moved cleanly enough without a great deal of enthusiasm. BB
Class 1927 LB NO ENTRIES
Class 1928 OB NO ENTRIES