Southern Counties Championship Show 2022
Judge: Avril

BEST OF BREED : CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take a Chance at
Best Dog : CHAUNAN Ch Raajput's Blacky Returns
Res Best Dog : COX Dovestream Black Russian
at Dachshinbull
Best Bitch : CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take a Chance at
Res Best Bitch : O'BRIEN Almaznyi Laretz Europe at Delekadax
Best Puppy : ALLEN Zoraden Jemima Puddle Duck
Best Junior : JENNINGS Clentry Sweet Melody
Limit Dog (1
Entry) Abs: 0
1st: COX Dovestream Black Russian at Dachshinbull
Open Dog (1
Entry) Abs: 0
1st: CHAUNAN Ch Raajput's Blacky Returns
Good Citizen Dog Scheme (1
Entry) Abs: 0
1st: JENNINGS Clentry Sweet Melody
Puppy Bitch (3
Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ALLEN Zoraden Jemima Puddle Duck
2nd: COX Bulldaxit Secret Love
3rd: STARK Adnerbs Not on your Nellie Gobannium
Junior Bitch (2
Entries) Abs: 1
1st: JENNINGS Clentry Sweet Melody
Post Graduate Bitch (2
Entries) Abs: 0
1st: O'BRIEN Almaznyi Laretz Europe at Delekadax
2nd: COX Doverstream Skip the Favour at Bulldaxit
Limit Bitch (2
Entries) Abs: 0
1st: STARK Adnerbs Won Vision of Gobannium JW
2nd: ROBERTS & SMITH Rijobeau Cherry Berry at Rayol
Open Bitch (2
Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take a Chance at Raajput
2nd: CHAPMAN-REITH Wanderhund Lets Celebrate for
Hayvenhund JW
LD (1) 1 Cox Dovestream Black Russian At Dachsinbull. Very
smart black and tan in good condition. Good head and eyes, strong neck
leading into good front assembly. Neat feet, powerful rear quarters and good
tail carriage. Well bodied and moved true in all directions. RBD.
OD (1) 1 Chauhan Ch Raajput’s Blacky Returns. Powerful black
and tan male with fabulous front assembly, lovely head and eyes, strong
neck, level topline which he maintained on the move. Driving from powerful
rear quarters, strode round the ring with pride and purpose. BD & BOS
Good Citizen Dog Scheme (1) 1 Jennings Clentry Sweet Melody.
Red displaying lovely proportions of depth to length. Lovely head and eyes,
well made in front and good rear quarters, shown in great condition and
moved with style extending well.
PB (3) 1 Allen Zoraden Jemima Puddleduck. Black and tan baby
with great maturity. Good head, strong neck, excellent front and rear
quarters, to be critical I would have preferred a stronger topline but she
moved well and was presented in great condition. BP 2 Cox Bulldaxit Secret
Love. Really liked this one as well, unlucky to meet 1st. Lovely head and
neck, good front and rear quarters, moved out well maintaining a level
topline. 3 Stark Adnerbs Not On Your Nellie Gobannium.
JB (2,1) 1 Jennings Clentry Sweet Melody. BJ
PGB (2) 1 Obrien Almaznyl Laretz Europe At Delekadax. Another
smart black and tan with a nice head and eyes, strong neck and lovely front
assembly, strong topline and good tail carriage. Good overall proportions,
moved a little close behind. RBB 2 Cox Dovestream Skip The Favour At
Bulldaxit. Red built on heavier lines. For me lacked angulation and
placement of front assembly but moved true in all directions.
LB (2) 1 Stark Adnerbs Won Vision Of Gobannium JW. Red, nice
head and neck, again for me lacked front angulation and placement, but moved
well enough and displayed good proportions. 2 Roberts & Smith Rijobeau
Cherry Berry At Rayol. Similar to 1 but not in the best condition weight
wise and movement a little erratic, moderately angled quarters.
OB (2) 1 Chauhan Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput.
Very smart black and tan who owned the ring. Superb carriage and stylish but
purposeful movement. Lovely head and eye shape, strong neck supporting proud
head carriage, correct proportions and excellent front and rear assemblies.
Presented in excellent condition and an easy decision for BB & BOB. 2
Chapman-Reith Wanderhund Lets Celebrate For Hayvenhund JW. Close up to 1 and
similar in construction but I preferred the head carriage of 1 and she did
not put in as much of a performance on the move.