Judge: Geraldine Brace

Rocket Man
Dog CC : MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian
Rocket Man
Res Dog CC : MACDONALD Bensarka Limerick
Bitch CC : LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Quickstep
Res Bitch CC : WAND Wanderhund California Girl
Best Puppy :
MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Lothlorien
Best Veteran : KERRY Ch Kireton Beau Diddley
Best Special
RYCROFT Skywalker Blue at Trisensara
Veteran Dog
1st: KERRY Ch Kireton Beau Diddley
Puppy Dog
1st: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Rohan
Neithhund Angus at Raajput
Junior Dog
Marvale's Manifesto at Jenivon
GRAHAM Marvale Chancellor at Ravold
Retrohound Hermes
RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara
Special Beginner Dog (3)
RYCROFT Skywalker
Blue at Trisensara
Retrohound Hermes
RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara
Post Graduate Dog (3)
Adnerbs Sheer Nanagins
2nd: PAYTON Hampdach the Trooper
Jacksondax Horney Hurrah
Limit Dog
1st: MOES & WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Super Mario
Carpaccio Magnum P.I at Hamoura
SMALL Almaznyi Laretz Ershalaim at Devondax
Res: BETHEL Hampdach
Lord Flashheart
VHC: RYCROFT Skywalker
Blue at Trisensara
Open Dog
1st: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian
Rocket Man
2nd: MACDONALD Bensarka Limerick
MCNAUGHTON Ch Cedavoch Struuann
Cwmdarhian Gordon Ramsay
HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis
Veteran Dog
1st: KERRY Ch Kireton Beau Diddley
Puppy Bitch (5)
1st: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Lothlorien
WILKINSON & WAKEMAN Raajput's Canadian Winter with Wakywilks
3rd: COX Bulldaxit Sooner or Later
Res: SMALL Devondax
Hot Sensation
Junior Bitch
ROBERTS & SMITH Craimose Aquilegia For Rayol
2nd: MCONALD &
COXON Melisdax Mischief in May
Melisdax Memories of May
GENTLE & YOUNG Craimose Freesia
Special Beginner Bitch (1)
1st: RICHARDSON Bronia Solar Corona
Post Graduate Bitch (7)
LOCKETT-WALTERS Ralines Quickstep
WAND Wanderhund's All in a Muggle
3rd: LUCAS
Tramardachs Booty Licious
Res: STARK Adnerbs
Not on Your Nellie Gobannium JW
VHC: HEELS Daxanory
Ravishing Minx
Limit Bitch
1st: PATERSON Cwmdarhian The Mistress
2nd: JENNINGS Clentry Sweet Melody
3rd: STARK Adnerbs
Won Vision of Gobannium JW
Res: SMALL Ulybka
Fortuny Zlatovlaska at Devondax (Imp Rus)
Open Bitch
1st: WAND Wanderhund California Girl
2nd: CHAUHAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput
3rd: ROBERTS Cedavoch
Blowing a Gale to Swansford
Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax
Veteran Bitch - NO ENTRIES
I would like to thank the officers and
committee for their invitation which unfortunately was delayed due to the
pandemic. My thanks to my excellent stewards Kyle and Cameron. I was
delighted with my entry. I am sure some exhibits will often swap places.
Without exception all mouths were good and teeth super clean. I was
surprised to find so many with long nails spoiling the shape of the feet.
Unfortunately, some exhibitors even when told to ‘take their time’ persisted
in running, sometimes to their dog’s disadvantage.
PD (2) 1 McNaughton. Cedavoch Rohan. B/T,
Youngster, lots to like, well balanced. Moved confidently. 2 Chauhan.
Neithund Angus At Raajput. S/R, Another nice youngster also giving a good
account of himself both stacked and on the move.
JD (5/1)
1 Jennings.
Marvale’s Manifesto At Jenivon. B/T, Pleasing head and dark eye. Good bone,
feet and hind quarters. Moved out confidently keeping a good topline. 2
Graham. Marvale Chancellor at Ravold. B/T, litter brother to winner. Good
quarters. Very steady on the move. 3 Coupland. Retrohound Hermes.
SBD (3) 1 Rycroft. Skywalker Blue at
Trisensara. B/T, Good head and dark eye, fair reach of neck, Moved with
drive, good topline on the move. Best Special Beginner. 2 Coupland.
Retrohound Hermes. B/T, Masculine head, good reach of neck, adequate depth
of chest and spring of rib, good turn of stifle, more settled on the move
than in previous class. 3 Rycroft. Fantastic Frank at Trisensara.
PGD (3)
1 Hinwood. Anerbs Sheer Nanagins.
B/T, Pleasing conical head and kind eye. Well-constructed front assembly,
good depth of keel, good ribbing, strong loin. Moved with drive. 2 Payton.
Hampdach the Trooper. S/R, Pleasing head and eye. Well-constructed
forequarters, level topline stacked and on the move. 3 Rycroft. Jacksondax
Hornet Hurrah.
LD (6)
1 Moes & Williams. Cwmdarhian Super
Mario. Red, Handsome conical head and dark eye. Arched neck and correct
shoulder placement. Good length and spring of rib. Excellent rear angulation
allowing a free, easy drive. Sound and balanced. 2 Starkey. Carpaccio Magnum
P.I. At Hamoura. B/T, Smart, well bodied, good bone, masculine head, good
forechest, well off for ribbing, firm topline. moved out freely with good
rear drive.
3 Small. Imp Almaznyl Loretz Ershalaim At Devondax.
OD (6/1)
1 Moes & Williams. Ch Cwmdarhian
Rocket Man. Eye catching Red dog. Masculine head and keen dark eye.
Excellent length of neck into well placed shoulders. Correct oval front with
tight elbows, well-padded feet. Good sweep of keel giving a good underline.
Firm topline, great ribbing and strong loin. Excellent, well-muscled hind
quarters used to advantage on the move having a powerful drive from behind
and excellent extension in front. Sound both coming and going very in tune
with his handler. DCC. 2 MacDonald. Bensarka Limerick. RDCC. Handsome head
and keen expression. Good length of neck. Well-constructed throughout, tight
elbows and good feet. Well ribbed, strong loin and a firm topline. Moved
correctly both coming and going. RDCC. 3 McNaughton. Ch Cedarvoch Struuan.
VD (1)
1 Kerry & Kerry. Ch Kireton Beau
B/T, Handsome head and expression. Excellent front and shoulders.
Well angulated hind quarters used to effect with his strong rear drive. Best
PB (5)
1 McNaughton. Cedavoch Lothlorien. B/T,
Just one year old on the day. Lovely breed type, feminine head and
expression. Super front and ribbing. Good bone, tight feet. Moved soundly
and confidently. Best Puppy. 2 Wilkinson & Wakeham. Raajput’s Candian Winter
With Wakywilks B/T. Attractive promising youngster. Soundly made, well
ribbed, enough clearance. Moved well. 3 Cox. Bulldaxit Sooner or later.
JB (5/1)
1 Roberts & Smith. Craimose Aquilegia
For Rayol. B/T Pleasing head and eye. Well off for ribbing, deep keel, neat
elbows, tight feet. Moved out and back soundly. 2 MacDonald & Coxon.
Melisdax Mischief In May. B/T. Lovely head, soundly made right through,
enough ground clearance, well ribbed. Steady movement. 3 Tomlinson. Melisdax
Memories Of May.
SBB (1)
1 Richardson. Bronia Solar Corona. Sh/R.
Pleasing head. Well off for ribbing and rear. In super coat and condition.
Stood alone but deserved her place.
PGB (7)
1 Lockett-Walters. Ralines Quickstep.
Elegant B/T. classical feminine head, dark eye and keen expression. Good
front angulation, with tight elbows. Well ribbed back with short, firm loin.
Well angulated rear, good bone, and neat feet. In super coat and condition.
Lovely profile, good overall size and balance. Easy confident movement with
reach and drive. BCC. 2 Wand. Wanderhund’s All In A Muggle. Attractive B/T.
Feminine head and expression. Good front angulation, with tight elbows good
bone and neat feet. 3 Lucas. Tramardachs Booty Licious.
LB (6/2)
1 Paterson. Cwmdarhian The Mistress.
B/T. Lovely head, neck, shoulders, ribbing carried well back, firm quarters.
Moved soundly with good reach and drive.
2 Jennings. Clentry Sweet Melody.
Red. Good size and profile. Correct front assembly, tight elbows, and
well-padded feet. Strong hind quarters used to advantage on the move. 3
Stark. Adnerbs Won Vision Of Gobannium JW.
OB (5/1)
1 Wand. Wanderhund California Girl.
B/T. Lovely head and kind eye. Good length of neck leading into correct
shoulders. Well ribbed back with a firm loin. Nicely angulated rear. Good
bone, tight feet. In good coat and condition. Lovely profile. Moved well
with good extension and drive from the rear. RBCC. 2 Chauhan. Ch Adnerbs
Take A Chance On Me At Raajput. Eye catching B/T. Lovely head and
expression. Arched neck, well angulated quarters, good length, and spring of
rib. Firm topline. In good coat and condition. Plenty bone and substance.
Might have won the class except for being moved too fast. 3 Roberts.
Cedavoch Blowing A Gale To Swansford
Mrs C G Brace