Judge: Derek Smith

BEST OF BREED : MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
Dog CC : MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
Res Dog CC : HUNT Carpaccio Red knight
Bitch CC : MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian The Governess
Res Bitch CC : CHAUHAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput
Best Puppy : STARK Gobannium Gladys Friday
Best Veteran : HINWOOD Melanie Longmel Special Truffle
Best Special Beginner : ASHBY Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax &
Hound Special Beginner Group 2
Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2COUPLAND Rayol Charlie Brown
2nd: ASHBY Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax
3rd: TITE Rayol Buffalo Bill At Rijobeau
Puppy Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: TITE & WILLIAMS Cwmdarhian Blind Side
2nd: JONES Gobannium I'm All Shook up from Adnerb
Junior Dog
(2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HUNT Carpaccio Red knight
Post Graduate Dog
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BETHEL Hampdach Lord Flashheart
2nd: RYCROFT Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW
3rd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Calenhad
Limit Dog
(6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: JENNINGS Marvale the Opposition at Jenivon
2nd: BINKS Cedavoch Ocean Storm
3rd: CHAUHAN Neithund Angus at Raajput
Res: RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW
VHC: HINWOOD Anerbs Sheer Nanagins
Open Dog
(6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
2nd: JONES & MOES Cwmdarhian Gordon Ramsay
3rd: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Rohan
Res: HUNT Carpaccio Suchard
VHC: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis
Veteran Dog
Special Beginner Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ASHBY Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax
Minor Puppy Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ANDISON Clentry Forget Me Not
2nd: HIGGINS Empetthounds Galatians to Leveliss
3rd: ROBERTS & SMITH Rayol Cherry Pancake
Res: RYCROFT Carpaccio Queen Consult for Trisensara
VHC: ASHBY & SMITH Rayol Pumpkin Pie TAF
Puppy Bitch
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: STARK Gobannium Made Of Honour
2nd: MILLS- JONES & WILLIAMS & MOES Cwmdarhian Welsh Secret
3rd: HIGGINS Empetthounds Song of Songs of Leveliss
Junior Bitch
(2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCNAUGHTONCadavoch Sassiag
2nd: STARK Gobannium Gladys Friday
Post Graduate Bitch
(3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: GENTLE Craimose Freesia
2nd: TOMLINSON Melisdax Memories of May
3rd: ROBERTS & SMITH, Craimose Aquilegia For Rayol
Limit Bitch
(8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: CHAUHAN Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput
2nd: ANDISON Clentry Crunchy Carrot
3rd: NORTON Matzell Martinella
Res: STARK Adnerbs Won Vision Of Gobannium JW
VHC: HUNT Lauralee Joan of arc at Carpaccio
Open Bitch
(7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MOES & WILLIAMS Ch Cwmdarhian The Governess
2nd: CHAUNAN Ch Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me At Raajput
3rd: HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Bronia Solar Flare
Res: MCNAUGHTON Cedavoch Storm Quest
VHC: PATERSON & PATERSON Cwmdarhian The Mistress
Veteran Bitch
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HINWOOD Longmel Special Truffle
Special Beginner Bitch
(1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ASHBY & SMITH Rayol Pumpkin Pie TAF
MPD 3(0) 1. Couplands Rayol Charlie Brown. 3
litter brothers, all 3 red, winner was soundest of the 3, handler must learn
to show him better. 2. Ashbys Rayol Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax. Looked
the best on the stack, not so good moving. 3. Tites Rayol Buffalo Bill at
PD 2(0) 1. Tite/Williams Cwmdarhian Blind
Side. Lovely deep red, liked his head and lovely neck, strong top-line, good
bone and feet, sound mover. 2. Jones Gobannium Im All Shook Up from Adnerb.
Rather large b/t of pleasing type, shown in lovely condition, little
unsteady behind.
JD 2(1) 1. Hunts Carpaccio Red Knight. This
shaded red is all Dachshund, lovely head, well constructed front with good
feet, super top-line and well ribbed body, strong rear and a very good
mover, temperament could be that bit stronger, RDCC on his quality.
PGD 3(0) 1. Bethels Hampdach Lord Flashheart.
Biggish b/t with a houndy head, good neck and firm top-line, shoulders a
little forward placed, decent mover, shown in good condition. 2. Rycrofts
Fantastic Frank at Trisensara JW. This red is so well bodied and very typy,
could use a little more neck, very good top-line, unsteady on the move. 3.
McNaughtons Cedavoch Calenhad.
LD 6(0) 1. Jennings Marvale The Opposition at
Jenivon. This dog gave me a real dilemma, I thought him easily the best in
the class for quality and type but he has a slight mouth fault but he was so
pleasing to go over with a lovely front and feet, good head and was so sound
and stylish on the move, I let him win. 2. Binks Cedavoch Ocean Storm. This
dark red is a lovely size, liked his head and eye, all Dachshund in outline,
lovely bone and feet, good mover but temperament could be better. 3.
Chauhans Neithund Angus at Raajput.
OD 6(0) 1. Moes/Williams Ch. Cwmdarhian Super
Mario. Clear red and a clear winner today, high quality all through,
beautiful head and eye, oval front with good bone and lovely feet, super
top-line and ribbing, strong quarters, so well made and such a sound
athletic mover, shown in sparkling condition, DCC & BOB. 2. Jones/Moes
Cwmdarhian Gordon Ramsay. This shaded red is another quality exhibit, very
typy and very houndy, sound and very good to go over, has a good front and
feet too, tail at times can spoil the picture. 3. McNaughtons Cedavoch Rohan.
SBD 3(2) 1. Ashbys Rayol Dallas Cowboy at
Jaxinorydax. Repeat, 2nd in MPD, BSpB.
MPB 5(0) 1. Andisons Clentry Forget Me Not.
Very dark red who was so lovely on the stack with a good front and feet,
strong top-line and quarters, very good going round, liked her head too. 2.
Higgins Empetthounds Galatians to Leveliss. Very well balanced choc/t, liked
her head and neck and top-line and a very good mover, not quite the
forechest of winner. 3. Roberts/Smiths Rayol Cherry Pancake. PB 3(0) 1.
Starks Gobannium Made of Honour. Very typy red, pleasing head, neck and
top-line, decent front, very good rear, decent mover. 2.
Mills-Jones/Williams/Moes Cwmdarhian Welsh Secret. Another red of good type,
lovely head and neck, so houndy, thought she could be my winner but needs to
firm up in top-line. 3. Higgins Empetthounds Song of Songs of Leveliss.
JB 2(0) 1. McNaughtons Cedavoch Sassaig. This
is a lovely Dachshund, quality in head and eye, so well balanced and lovely
to go over, sound moving and good going round, temperament must improve. 2.
Starks Gobannium Gladys Friday. Another quality red, very different in type
to winner being a size bigger and a touch longer, liked her head and lovely
neck, firm top-line and held herself well on the move, BP.
PGB 3(0) 1. Gentles Craimose Freesia. Very
feminine b/t, liked her head but eyes a little full, nice shape with a good
front and feet, best mover of these three. 2. Tomlinsons Melisdax Memories
of May. This b/t is a size larger, she is very well bodied with a decent
head but is very erratic on the move. 3. Roberts/Smiths Craimose Aquilegia
for Rayol.
LB 8(1) This was a good class, all reds. 1.
Chauhans Adnerb Forever Charmed at Raajput. A very good Dachshund, so houndy,
lovely head and neck, good front, feet and ample bone, lovely top-line and
outline, very good to go over, sound move with a strong backend and had
style going round, liked her a lot, RBCC. 2. Andisons Clentry Crunchy
Carrot. Another very good Dachshund, beautiful for type and balance, liked
her size and shape, good front, well balanced and a sound one. 3. Nortons
Matzell Martinella.
OB 7(0) 1. Moes/Williams Cwmdarhian The
Governess. Very beautiful light red of high quality, an immaculate Dachshund
in every way, lovely head and eye, super front and thicke padded feet,
ribbing and top-line so good, strong quarters and a sound easy mover, won
BCC and her brother beat her for BOB with the smallest of margins, lovely
pair. 2. Chauhans Ch. Adnerbs Take A Chance On Me at Raajput. Very sound and
active b/t with a lovely head and eye, very different in type to winner but
still a lovely bitch, very pleasing to go over, strong top-line and in
lovely condition, not quite so positive going away. 3. Hanney-Mitchells Ch.
Bronia Solar Flare. VB 1(0) 1. Hinwoods Longmel Special Truffle. 7 years,
red, in lovely condition, pleasing head and a lovely size and shape, still
sound, BV.
SBB 1(0) 1. Ashby/Smiths Rayol Pumpkin Pie TAF.
This red was 5th in the good minor puppy class, she is of good type and has
a touch of quality but needs some serious ring training and a stronger
Derek Smith