Judge: Editha Newton

BEST OF BREED : WILLIAMS & MOES Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
Dog CC : WILLIAMS & MOES Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
Res Dog CC :
YOUNG Craimose Adonis
Bitch CC :
TOMLINSON Melisdax Magnolia in May
Res Bitch CC : WILLIAMS & MOES & STARK Ch Gobannium Gladys Friday
Best Puppy :
RYCROFT Chidax Sahara Sand by Trisensara
Best Veteran : WAND Wanderhund California Girl
Best Special Beginner
: BALFOUR Clentry Mango Passion
Puppy Dog (1)
1st: HALSALL & HUGHES Scipsar Just Give Me a Reason
Junior Dog (4)
1st: WYETH Rayol Texas Ranger
2nd: HINWOOD Longmel Columbus Truffle
3rd: ASHBY Rayol
Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax
HEELS Daxanory Menacing Awesome
Post Graduate Dog (2)
1st: WILLCOCK Raajput's Cosmic Flower
Milendo Justin Thyme
Limit Dog (5)
1st: STARKEY Carpaccio Magnum PI at Hamoura
2nd: JENNINGS Marvales's Manifesto At Jenivon
3rd: RYCROFT Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW
Res: HUNT Carpaccio Red Knight
HINWOOD Anerbs Sheer Nanagins at Lonfmel
Open Dog (5,1)
1st: WILLIAMS & MOES Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario
2nd: YOUNG Craimose Adnois
3rd: GRAHAM Ch Marvale Chancellor at Ravold JW
Res: HEELS Daxanory Menacing Dennis
Veteran Dog
Special Beginners Dog NO ENTRIES
Puppy Bitch (1)
Luckytails Skye at Zorionadax
Puppy Bitch (1)
Chidax Sahara Sand by Trisensara
HEELS Daxanory Ravishing Rose
2nd: ASHBY
Rayol Pumpkin Pie at Jaxinorydax
Post Graduate Bitch(4,2)
1st: TOMLINSON Melisdax Memories of May
2nd: BALFOUR Clentry Mango Passion ShCEx
Limit Bitch (8)
1st: TOMLINSON Melisdax Magnolia In May
2nd: STARK Gobannium Made Of Honour JW
3rd: LUCAS Tramardachs Hairy Fairy
Wanderhund's All in a Muggle
VHC: JENNINGS Clentry Sweet Melody
Open Bitch (4,1)
1st: WILLIAMS & MOES & STARK Ch Gobannium Gladys Friday
2nd: HANNEY-MITCHELL Ch Bronia Solar Flare
Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax
Veteran Bitch
1st: WAND
Wanderhund California Girl
2nd: HINWOOD Longmel
Special Truffle
Dovestream Do Me a Favour
Special Beginners Bitch
1st: BALFOUR Clentry Mango Passion ShCEx
PD (1) 1 Scipsar Just Give Me A Reason (Halsall
& Hughes) good balance throughout, pleasing head & expression, well laid
shoulder good keel, strong rear quarters. Moved soundly and with purpose. JD
(4) 1 Rayol Texas Rangers (Wyeth) liked his head & expression. Well held
topline both standing & on move. Free reach & strong drive from parallel
hocks. 2 Longmel Columbus Truffle (Hinwood), good deportment in profile,
liked his overall balance just preferred rear quarters on winner. 3 Rayol
Dallas Cowboys at Jaxinorydax (Ashby) GD (2) 1 Raajput's Cosmic Flower (Willock),
in good coat. Feet would improve with shorter nails, he held a good topline
& moved with drive from rear. 2 Milendo Justin Thyme (Vaitekunaite),
pleasing head and strong jaw. I would have preferred a better lay of
shoulder. LD (5) 1 Carpaccio Magnum Pi at Hamoura (Starkey),pleasing head &
underjaw, well balanced angles, good strength to hock. Very sound &
purposeful on the move. 2 Marvale's Manifesto at Jenivon (Jennings), similar
to winner with well laid shoulder, good return and correct rump. 3
Jacksondax Hornet Hurrah at Trisensara JW (Rycroft)
OD (5,1) 1 Ch Cwmdarhian Super Mario (Williams
& Moes), he presents a well balanced picture which is enhanced by his sound
easy movement. Lovely head & expression, good length of neck into well laid
shoulder, super spring of rib into short loin, well muscled rear completes
the picture. CC & BOB 2 Craimose Adonis (Young), similar in outline to 1st
with as many attributes. Not quite as strong in rear quarters. RCC 3 Ch
Marvale Chancellor at Ravold JW (Graham) MPB (2) 1 Luckytails Skye at
Zorionadax (Parker), lovely make & shape, super top & underline, good muscle
tone. Moved well. Pushed hard for BPB PB (1) 1 Chidax Sahara Sand by
Trisensara (Rycroft), good make & shape, pleasing length of neck into well
laid shoulder, developed keel and ribbing. Good strength to rear quarters
which she used well in profile. BP JB (3,1) 1 Daxanory Ravishing Rose
(Heels), despite a rather loose undercarriage her overall shape was pleasing
to the eye. Won this class on movement alone. 2 Rayol Pumpkin Pie at
Jaxinorydax (Ashby), lovely make & shape but badly let down by her untypical
movement. GB (4,2) 1 Melisdax Memories of May (Mrs S E Tomlinson), super
head & expression, good length of neck into well laid shoulder, good keel
and length of ribbing. Moved with soundness & deportment. 2 Clentry Mango
Passion ShCEx (Balfour), standing on good feet fore & aft with super rump
conformation and correct muscle tone. LB (8) 1 Melisdax Magnolia in May
(Tomlinson), she stood out for me for her overall balance and deportment.
Using her angles to best advantage she moved freely and true. Her head &
expression, good jaw and length of neck added quality to the picture. CC 2
Gobannium Made of Honour JW (Stark).' It could have been me' was a phrase
that came to mind, she just lost out on the winners more enthusiastic
movement today. 3 Tramardachs Hairy Fairy (Lucas) OB (4,1) 1 Ch Gobannium
Gladys Friday (Stark & Stark & Moes & Williams), lovely make & shape, well
balanced fore & aft. Moderate throughout with good muscle tone which helped
to provide the correct topline. RCC 2 Ch Bronia Solar Flare (Hanney-Mitchell),
moved very true and enthusiastically on lovely feet. Good strength to rear
quarters. Super head & expression. 3 Bensarka Emerald Isle to Melisdax
(Tomlinson) VB (4,1) 1 Wanderhund California Girl (Wand), lovely balance
both fore & aft, enough muscle tone, standing on good feet. Moved with
enthusiasm which won her the class. 2 Longmel Special Truffle (Hinwood),
pleasing head & expression, well held topline both standing & on move but
she seemed to lack a little motivation today. 3 Ir Ch Dovestream Do Me A
Favour (Williams) Special Beginners B (1) 1 Clentry Mango Passion ShCEx
Editha Newton