Dachshund Club 2013
Dachshund (Wire Haired)
Judge: Sigurd Wilberg
BEST OF BREED : PUGH & FRASER Ch Bystock Black Truffle JW
Dog CC : SINGLETON Tendrow Drumm Crazy Jethard
Res Dog CC : MCPHERSON & PATERSON Fransin Brasilian
Tp Panettone
Bitch CC : PUGH & FRASER Ch Bystock Black Truffle JW
Res Bitch CC : SEATH Ch Sunsong Wish Upon a Star
Best Puppy : COVERLEY Aventine Jamaica Inn
Best Veteran : BATES & MAE JONES Watermans Martha of Derochaise
Minor Puppy Dog
1st: No Entries
Puppy Dog (4 Entries)
1st: COVERLEY Aventine Jamaica Inn
2nd: ROLLINSON Bellavin Invincible at
3rd: RODWELL & WHITE Sternchen
Res: HINDER Aventine The King's General
Junior Dog (2 Entries)
1st: SEATH Zlowfox Av Larhjelm at Sunsong (Imp Nor)
2nd: BUBB Tecklegarth Leap of Faith
Post Graduate Dog (3 Entries)
1st: Absent
Limit Dog (5 Entries)
1st: MCPHERSON & PATERSON Fransin Brasilian
Tp Panettone
2nd: DAVIES Atahira Joie De Bleu
3rd: GIBSON Allfreys Rock of Gibralter
Res: ROWE Boloria's Cadbury's Surprise
Open Dog (3 Entries)
1st: SINGLETON Tendrow Drumm Crazy Jethard
2nd: LEWIS CROOKS Ch Barmaud Rufus (Imp)
3rd: ROLLINSON Ir Ch Bystock Double O Seven
at Nosinllor
Veteran Dog
1st: Absent
Special Beginners Dog/Bitch (2
1st: STOCKDALE Wirelinc Cooks Companion
2nd: RODWELL & WHITE Sternchen Rastaben
Minor Puppy Bitch (2 Entries)
1st: DAVIS Linleajo Cherry Blossom
Puppy Bitch (2 Entries)
1st: GIBSON Allfreys Sterchen Alnisha
Junior Bitch (3 Entries)
1st: STILES Cishelvine Sea Spray
2nd: PATERSON Ambiesque Agna
3rd: GIBSON Allfreys Greta Garbo
Post Graduate Bitch (4 Entries)
1st: MORRIS Wagsford Winona of Rocinda
2nd: MAY Wagsford Molly May
3rd: ROWE Derochaise Atlantica to Boloria
Res: STOCKDALE Wirelinc Cooks Companion
Limit Bitch (6 Entries)
1st: BATES & MAE JONES Derochaise Elegancia JW
2nd: ROWE Boloria Naughty But Nice
3rd: MCPHERSON & PATERSON Ambiesque Advent
for Brumberhill
Open Bitch (6 Entries)
1st: PUGH & FRASER Ch Bystock Black Truffle JW
2nd: SEATH Ch Sunsong Wish Upon a Star
3rd: BARNEY Molloney On Denise for Romaunt
Res: ROLLINSON Ir Ch Nosinllor Artemis
VHC: COVERLEY Aventine Shaken Not Stirred
Veteran Bitch (2 Entries)
1st: BATES & MAE JONES Watermans Martha of Derochaise
The Dachshund world was an
integrated part of Kari's and my lives for many years. I have also had the
pleasure of serving on the Dachshund Club's committee which I enjoyed very much.
I saw that Jane, the club's new Chairman has taken over as raffle supremo, but I
don't know if she was as successful as me in getting the Dachshund people to
part with their money. Based on this it was a nostalgic experience for me to
return to the club as their Wirehaired Dachshund judge. Thanks to the club for
inviting me and the exhibitors for supporting me. In general the dogs shown
under me were sound and of excellent type. Even if a couple were big enough,
size was not really a problem. The fronts were good and most of them had the
right keel. I thought heads were a problem; some were two long and narrow, while
others were too heavy and short. I didn't see many who really warmed my heart.
Some eyes were too big, round and prominent. Wirehaired Dachshund should be
alert and speak to you with shape almond eyes. There wasn't many of those
around. PD 1 Aventine Jamaica Inn. I fell in love with this
puppy and I think he will go on to do great things in the future. He was of
ideal size, had a good head, was well constructed and moved with a lot of
confidence. Of course he had his fault and he was not in the best of coats on
the day, but this one is for the future. BP. 2 Bellavin Invincible At Nosinllor.
This was also a promising puppy, but he was too long in loin. He carried himself
well and was well developed both ends. 3 Sternchen Rastaben. JD
1 Zlowfox Av Larhjelm At Sunsong. Nice dog with a lovely head. Good neck, moves
well, but could be better in front. 2 Teckelgarth Leapoffaith. Also a nice dog,
but preferred head on the winner. Good topline moved quite well. LD
1 Fransin Brasilian TP Panttone. This dog had a lot going for him and he pushed
hard for the CC. I was taken by his style and presence, lovely neck and superb
outline, even if he was a bit long. He has a classic front and he moves around
the ring like an athlete. This has to be a champion in the making - RCC. 2
Atahira Joie De Blue. Strong dog of nice type. He is well constructed and he
moved well, but I preferred the topline on the first one. 3 Allfreys Rock Of
Gibraltar. OD 1 Tendrow Drumm Crazy. I fell for this dog as
soon as he entered the ring. He told me to look at him and I surely did. I was
taken by his fabulous temperament and his attitude; this is the type of dog you
would like to take home. Maybe he is a bit on the heavy side for me, but he is
very well proportioned and he moves like a machine. Panttone pushed him hard,
but Crazy won the day on his overall balance and charisma. Why he isn't already
a Champion I don't know, but his third can't be far away? CC. 2 Ch Barmaud Rufus
Ctarleylewis Crooks. This is another high class dog which I liked very much. He
is well developed both ends, but he is a bit long and sinks slightly in topline.
Rufus moved extremely well, but he would probably look better in heavier coat
because he need to be filled out a bit better. Sp Beginners 1
Wirelinc Cooks Companion. Nice type of bitch, but not in the best of coat. Well
developed and moves good. 2 Sternchen Rastaben. Small dog which needs more time,
not in the best of coat. MPB 1 Linleajo Cherry Blossom. Nice
bitch, 6 months. Well developed for age, but tail set a bit high. PB
1 Allfrays Sternchen Alrisha. Promising youngster which I liked very much.
Excellent outline, moves very well, one for the future! JB 1
Cishelvine Sea Spray. Another quality bitch of high class. It is a lot to like
about her. Good neck and front, but a bit long in loin. Moves very well. 2
Ambiesque Agna. Bitch of good type, but like her to move out better behind. 3
Allfreys Greta Garbo. PGB 1 Wagsford Winona Of Rocinda. Lovely
bitch of excellent type. Well presented moved well, it is a lot to like about
this bitch. 2 Cishelvine Sea Spray. 3 Derochaise Atlantica To Boloria.
LB1 Derochaise Ellegancia JW. This was the type of bitch I like. She
has the correct outline and is sound. To be critical I would have her a bit more
developed in front and her hind action could be better. She did win the class on
type and style which compensated for her weaknesses. 2 Boloria Naughty But Nice.
She is similar in type to the winner and she had a lot going for her, but the
coat was not good enough on the day. 3 Ambiesque Advent For Brumbnerhill.
OB 1 Ch Bystock Black Truffle JW. This bitch was all for me.
She is in perfect harmony and it is the right clearance between her chest and
the ground. You can envisage this bitch hunting without getting stuck
underground. She is in hard condition and is professionally presented. Handler
and dog were in perfect harmony. Of course she had her faults, because so had
all the greats once. This bitch has class and I was pleased to give her the CC &
BOB. 2 Ch Sunsong Wish Upon A Star. Another bitch which took my heart by storm.
She has a nice head and superb topline, excellent front and she moves well
around the ring. If she had been mine I would have trimmed off some of the hairs
under her chest because that would have made her look more balanced. On the day
she looked a bit heavy fronted for me, but when I went over her that wasn't the
case! This is easy for me to say, but not so easy to do because the exhibitor
might be showing her lovely bitch under another judge next week which don't
share my view. Having said all this, the bitch is quality all through. RCC.
Sigurd Wilberg