Hound Association of Scotland 2019
Dachshund (Wire Haired)
Puppy - Dog Or
Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0 |
Junior - Dog
Or Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0 |
Open - Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0 |
Beginners - Dog Or Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0 |
Puppy Dog or Bitch (4 0 Ab)
1: Binks Tannahill Oslo What a super boy! Well balanced throughout with breed type and full of quality. Masculine head piece, darkest of eye, correct dentition. Strong neck well developed keel and good front angulation. Level topline, super ribbing carried well back leading to well-muscled rear. Standing square on good feet. Movement hard to fault, positive both out and back . BOB & BP
2: Clayton-Smith’s Cairpparavel Lilac Wine
3: Lisle’s Teckelgarth Tommy Gun
Junior Dog or Bitch (2 0 Ab)
1: Clayton-smith’s Cairparavel Kiss From a Rose Litter sister to 2nd in previous class and both unlucky to have come up against the winner. She is another super puppy and both girls have quality and are well balanced throughout. With the same breed attributes as the winner of the previous class but just a little raw at the moment. I will watch both with interest.
2: Christie’s Tannahill Bergen at Decalleigh
Open Dog (2 1 Ab)
1: North-Row’s Tendrow One More Time Barmaud Balanced outline with pleasing head piece with dark eye. Good neck would prefer a better lay of shoulder and a little more keel level topline and good rear angulation. Moves well enough but would prefer more animation
Special Beginners Dog or Bitch (1 0 ab)
1: Clayton-smith’s Cairparavel Kiss From a Rose