Wirehaired Dachshund Club Championship Show 18th July 2021

Dachshund (Wire-haired)

Judge: Yvonne Kent (Lokmadi)

BEST OF BREED : MCCALMONT Ch Silvae Trader & Best in Show
Dog CC : MCCALMONT Ch Silvae Trader
Res Dog CC : PHILLIPS Royal Pepper's Vice Versa (IMP FIN)

Best Puppy Dog : ADAMS Sonham Paddington
Bitch CC :  ROWE Boloria's Trick or Treat JW
Res Bitch CC : HUTCHINGS Collidach Brook Ling

Best Puppy Bitch : ROWE Boloria Nice'N Spicy
Best Puppy : ADAMS Sonham Paddington & Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran : HOWLETT Boloria Arabella & Best Veteran in Show


Veteran Dog or Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HOWLETT Boloria Arabella
2nd: ELDRED Bramalodge Amiety at Derdledash
3rd: VINE Derochaise Justified for Cishelvine

Good Citizen Dog or Bitch (1 Entry) Abs: 0
1st: WILLS Cicelane Magnus at Kasalane


Minor Puppy Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ADAMS Sonham Paddington
2nd: WHARTON Ernest Hemingway V H Ruwielse Land to Greyhayne (Imp NLD)
3rd:  VINE Kasalane Ostiriato to Sea
Res: MOUNTFORD Incordemeo Beetle About
VHC: WILLS Kasalane Andante Waves


Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st:  ADAMS Sonham Paddington
2nd: ORD & AINSLEY Cloudside Sebastian of Marnadee
3rd:  WILLS Kasalane Rhapsody

Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: DEAN Brontillow King of Cups
2nd: FITZGERALD Boloria's Jammie Dodger at Harlilsun
3rd: HUTCHINGS & PRICE Collidach Percy Cute at Samlane
Res: MCCALMONT Silvae Timekeeper

Yearling Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HORNE Salixian Moroccan Mint

1st: SMITH Salixian Russian Caravan
3rd: FITZGERALD Boloria's Jammie Dodger at Harlilsun

Novice Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HORNE Salixian Moroccan Mint
2nd: TURNER Boloria Mr Moonlight
3rd:  FITZGERALD Boloria's Jammie Dodger at Harlilsun
Res: PEARCE Incordemeo Jolly on Xmas Day
VHC: HUTCHINGS & PRICE Collidach Percy Cute at Samlane

Post Graduate Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: GRAHAM Stanegate Shot in the Dark JW
2nd: MATTHEWS Stanegate Billy The Kid with Sonham JW
3rd:  EFFER Greyhayne Hector

Limit Dog (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: PHILLIPS Royal Pepper's Vice Versa (Imp Fin)
2nd: ADAMS Tecklegarth Gatling JW
3rd: SMITH Salixian Eau Rouge
Res: VINE Cishelvine Caught Out

VHC: PUGH & FRASER Bystock Big Bucks

Open Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: CHAMBERS Cishelvine Just A Kiss With Hototo
2nd: CARRATHURS Aikton Alexander at Stanegate
3rd: WILLS Cicelane Magnus at Kasalane

Champion Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCALMONT Ch Silvae Trader
2nd: ADAMS Ch Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip JW


Minor Puppy Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st : MATTHEWS Sonham Saucy Saffron
2nd:  PUGH & FRASER Bystock Tina Turner
3rd:  MOUNTFORD Incordemeo My Story
Res:  WILLS Kasalane Symphony

Puppy Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st : ROWE Boloria Nice'N Spicy
2nd: MATTHEWS Sonham Saucy Saffron
3rd: HUDSON-LUND Hototo Ain't She Sweet
Res: DICKINSON Derdledash Dakota


Junior Bitch (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HUTCHINGS Collidach Brook Ling
2nd: WALLER Tendrow Laced with Success
3rd: PHILLIPS Tendrow Wired to Success
Res: HOWE Kissdachs Diva at Bramalodge
VHC: HUNT Boloria's Tetley's Tea Cake at Drakkina

Yearling Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ELLIS Veenen Rewrite the Stars with Vixendax

2nd: SMITH Salixian Rose Sencha

Novice Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HUTCHINGS Collidach Brook Ling
2nd: ELDRED Derdledash Moon Beam

Post Graduate Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ARTHURS Elderkine Rumours
2nd: SMITH Windfalls Coco Noire at Salixian (Imp USA)
3rd: HORNE Salixian Cafe Noir
Res: FITZGERALD Fowlerheight Moonshine at Harlilsun
VHC: MATTHEWS Wyeknot Come Fly with Me Over Sonham

Limit Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MCCALMONT Silvae Sky Dancer
2nd: WHARTON Greyhayne Harriet
3rd: HOWE Bramalodge Billie Jean
Res: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Kiss From A Rose JW


Open Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: ROWE Boloria's Trick or Treat JW

2nd: MCCALMONT Silvae Fan Dancer
3rd: HUTCHINGS Tendrow I Am the One from Collidach JW
Res: ARTHURS Tendrow I Am Legend with Elderkine

Champion Bitch (1 Entry) Abs: 1
1st: Absent


I  was delighted to judge the Wirehaired Dachshunds this show and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thanks to the committee for inviting me and to my steward.

There were many beautiful dogs on show, very sound  and depth in quality, many decisions were close. Temperaments on the whole are very good.



1  Hewlett & Prowting, Boloria’s Arabella. Brindle bitch with a typical head, nice dark eye. Well laid shoulder and deep chest, level topline held on the move, good strong quarters, moved well.


2  Eldred, Bramerlodge Amiety at Derdledash, brindle bitch with intelligent expression, good length of neck, oval front and good length of rib. Not quite the topline of 1. 


3  Vine,  Derochaise Justified for Cishelvine



1  Wills, Cicelane Magnus at Kasalane, brindle dog with a nice almond shape eye and high set ear, good length of neck and lay of shoulder. Good breadth of chest and depth of body. Good tail carraige on the move.



1  Adams,  Sonham Paddinton, lovely puppy all round, strong head with nice dark eye. Good bone, oval front, good ribbing and strong topline,. Moved well. Has everything you want to see in a puppy of this age.


2  Wharton,  Ernest Hemingway V H Ruwielse Land to Greyhayne (impNDL) this puppy is shorter in the body and longer in leg than 1. Needs to develop in front and fill  out in body.


3  Vine,  Kasalane Ostriato Sea



1  Sonham Paddington


2  Ord & Ainsley,  Cloudside Sebastian of Marnadee, this is a bigger puppy with excellent head, dark eye and high set ear. Prominent prosternum and deep chest.  Well ribbed, nice bend of stifle and low hocks.


3  Wills,  Kasalane Rhapsody



1  Dean,  Brontillow King of Cups, excellent typy head, dark eye and well placed ears. Good length of neck, depth of chest and neat feet. Good strong body ,well muscled and moved well.


2  Fitzgerald,  Boloria’s Jammie Dodger at Harlilsun, nice dark eye and high set ears. Good ribbing, just a bit lighter build all round and tapers off a bit behind. Moved well.


3  Hutchings & Price,  Collidach Percy Cute at Samlane




1  Horne,  Salixian Moroccan Mint, quite a short compact dog all round. Strong head, good front and shoulder. Well muscled quarters, moved well.


2  Smith,  Salixian Russian Caravan, very similar to 1, just a bit unsettled on the move.


3  Boloria’s Jammie Dodger at Harlilsun



1  Salixian Morrocan Mint


2  Turner & Merrifield,  Boloria Mr Moonlight, good breadth of chest and prominent prosternum. Short hock, moved soundly with good tail carraige.


3  Boloria’s Jammie Dodger at Harllsun



1  Graham,  Stanegate Shot in the Dark JW, good upstanding brindle dog, full of confidence and smart mover. Good bone and depth of body, well ribbed. Strong quarters and nice tail set.


2  Mathews,  Stanegate Billy the Kid at Sonham JW, very similar to 1, I just preferred the head of the winner.


3  Effer,  Greyhayne Hector



1  Phillips,  Royal Pepper’s Vice Versa (imp Fin) RCC, excellent dog all round, Strong head with nice dark eye and lovely expression. Good length of neck , well placed shoulder. Well ribbed and good bone.


2  Adams,  Tecklegarth Gatling JW, very nice head shape, dark eye and high set ears. Good ribbing short loin and hock. Level topline and tail carraige. Moved well.


3  Smith,  Salixian Eau Rouge



1  Chambers,  Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo, very nice active mover, good bone and depth of body with tidy underline. Nice level topline, strong quarters and good tail set.


2  Carruthers,  Aikon Alexander at Stanegate, lovely head almond eye and high ear set. Good big front with sloping shoulder and strong firm topline. Excellent movement.


3  Cicelane Magnus at Casalane



1  McCalmont,  Ch Silvae Trader, a beautiful dog with everything to like about him. Excellent head, nice dark almond shape eye and high ear set. Medium length neck leading to well laid shoulders and correct oval front, neat feet.  Long ribbing and short strong loin, level topline, lovely big hammy quarters, good tail carraige and moved with purpose. Delighted to award him the CC and BOB.


2  Adams,  Ch Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip, similar remarks apply to this dog, he is an active strong dog that fits the standard, slightly longer through the body, excellent mover, going with drive and enthusiasm. Two lovely dogs in this class.



1  Mathews,  Sonham Saucy Saffron, nice dark eye and high set ear. Prominent pro-sternum and well ribbed. Good top and underline. Good rear angles and moved well.


2  Pughe & Fraser,  Bystock Tina Turner, Good head with dark eye and high set ear. Long arched neck, sloping shoulder, well ribbed, strong quarters and very sound mover.


3  Mountford,  Incordemeo My Story



1  Rowe,  Boloria Nice’n Spicy, classic head shape with nice dark eye, long neck, sloping shoulder and straight front. Good bone and neat feet. Level topline and moved sound and steady.


2  Sonham Saucy Saffron


3  Hudson-Lund,  Hototo Ain’t She Sweet



1  Hutchings,  Collidach Brook Ling, red bitch with a good conical head and lovely dark almond eye. Strong muscular neck and clean shoulders. Good bone and neat feet.  Prominent pro-sternum and ribbed well back, short strong loin.  Well angulated and muscled quarters, excellent all round.  RCC


2  Phillips,  Tendrow Laced with Success, excellent typy head, lovely dark eye and high set ear, good bone, well laid shoulder, depth of chest and neat feet. Level topline held on the move. Unlucky to meet 1.


3  Phillips, Tendrow Wired to Succeed



1 Ellis,  Veneen Rewrite the Stars with Vixendax, Dark almond eyes, large ears and lovely expression. Good pro-sternum and length of neck, well laid shoulders, deep ribbing and good length of body. Well angulated and muscled quarters.


2 Smith,  Salixian Rose Sencha, classical head shape with lovely dark eye. Neck flows nicely into a well laid shoulder and straight front. Well muscled and hard condition, moved well holding a level topline.



1  Collidach Brook Ling Rcc


2  Eldred, Derdledash Moonbeam, Good head, large ears, long neck. Good ribbing and length of body. Look lovely stacked.



1  Chambers,  Elderkine Rumours, lovely strong head with good shape eye and high set ear. Long neck, good lay of shoulder and well ribbed. Strong body, well muscled quarters, level topline and good tail set.


2  Smith,  Windfall Coco Noir at Salixian (imp USA), lovely conical head with dark eye and high ear set. Good oval front, sloping shoulders and good depth of body. Nice harsh coat, moved well.


3  Horne,  Salixian Café Noir



1  McCalmont,  Silvae Sky Dancer, very smart bitch with classic head and dark eye. Long muscular neck, well laid shoulder and straight front. Good bone and feet. Well ribbed, short loin, in excellent hard muscular condition. Good harsh coat. Moved well.


2  Wharton,  Greyhayne Harriet, typical head with a nice almond shape eye and good length of neck. Good lay of shoulder, well ribbed, level topline. I preferred the tail carraige of 1.



3  Howe,  Bramerlodge Bllie Jean



1  Rowe,  Boloria’s Trick or Treat JW, superb bitch with a beautiful classic head. Lovely dark almond eye and high set ear, Long muscular neck flows into well laid shoulders. Lovely straight front and good bone and big feet. Prominent breastbone, deep keel and well ribbed, short strong loin, Excellent coat. CC


2  McCalmont,  Silvae Fan Dancer, Good head, kind dark eye and well placed ear. A little narrow in front but good lay of shoulder and level topline. Well muscled. Moved straight and true.


3 Hutchings,  Tendrow I am the One from Collidach JW


Judge, Yvonne Kent