Judge: Judith Carruthers

BEST OF BREED : MCCALMONT & HANNEY Ch Silvae Time After Time At Bronia & Hound Group 3
Dog CC : NORMAN Silvae State Secret
Res Dog CC : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
Bitch CC : MCCALMONT & HANNEY Ch Silvae Time After Time At Bronia
Res Bitch CC : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Ch Tendrow Makes the Right Turn JW
Best Puppy : ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
Best Veteran : ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW & Hound Veteran Group 1
Best Special Beginner : AKEHURST Boloria All Spice & Hound Special Beginner Group 2
Veteran Dog (2)
1st: NORMAN Ch Silvae Klansman
2nd: VIG Croat Ch Q-rrens-dax Enzo Topazo (Imp)

Minor Puppy Dog (2)
1st: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
2nd: MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Day At The Races

Puppy Dog (5)
1st: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
2nd: BINKS Tannahill Wild Day
3rd: COSS Kissdachs Genius Matrix (imp Hun)
Res: COVERLEY Aventine The Poacher
VHC: SANDERS Knottsrose Olaf

Junior Dog (3)
1st: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
2nd: CHRISTIE Cloudside Valentino At Decalleigh
3rd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Hartnell


Yearling Dog (4)
1st: NORMAN Silvae State Secert
2nd: SEATH Ch Sunsong Dare to Dream
3rd: MOORE Cloudside Vincent

Res: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Hartnell


Novice Dog - NO ENTRIES

Post Graduate Dog (3)
1st:  JACKSON Elderkine Special Brew
2nd: VINE Cishelvine Coriolanus
3rd: WHARTON Elmore James Greyhayne

Limit Dog (8,1)
1st: AKEHURST Boloria All Spice
2nd: APPS Calicoe Just Me
3rd: ADAMS Ellesophia Fly Me to the Moon JW
Res: WHARTON Szymon Majewski V.h. Ruwielse Land To Greyhayne

Open Dog (2)
1st: MAES-JONES & BATES Derochaise Blue Danube
2nd: WILLS Kasalane Ostiriato Sea

Special Beginner Dog or Bitch (1)
1st: 7434 AKEHURST, Mrs Cheryl Boloria All Spice

Veteran Bitch (1)
1st: ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW

Minor Puppy Bitch (2)
1st: MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Night At The Opera
2nd: DEAN & MOORE Romanchi A Kind Of Magic To Dierfiur

Puppy Bitch (3)
1st: BINKS Ut It Doarp Bonnie At Tannahill (imp Nld)
2nd: WESTON & ELLRICH Kissdachs Gorgeous Mirabella No. One (imp Hun)
3rd:  JACKSON Elderkine's Bronte

Junior Bitch (4,1)
1st: HOWE Bramalodge Baby I'm Yours
2nd: PARROTT Bystock Blue Tango at Marondera
3rd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Mary Quant

Yearling Bitch (6,1)
1st: MATTHEWS Sonham Twice As Nice JW
2nd: VIG & MOLNAR Silvae Keep A Secret
3rd: PUGHE & FRASER Bystock Blue Orchid
Res: HOWES Bramalodge Beeswing
VHC: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Mary Quant

Novice Bitch (1)
1st: HOWE Bramalodge French Kiss

Post Graduate Bitch (3,1)
1st: MCPHERSON & PATERSON Brumberhill Barbed Wire
2nd: BEAGRIE Ellesophia Light the Way to Feldhund JW

Limit Bitch (7,2)
1st: ROWE Boloria Sugar'n Spice
2nd: COVERLEY Aventine Aunt Patience JW
3rd: VINE Cishelvine Cassandra
Res: STOCKDALE Derochaise Blue Velvet at Fenwire
VHC: MOORE Derochaise Black Cherry Cloudside

Open Bitch (7)
1st: MCCALMONT & HANNEY Ch Silvae Time After Time At Bronia
2nd: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Ch Tendrow Makes the Right Turn JW
3rd: MCCALMONT Duncan Ch Silvae Sky Dancer
Res: MCPHERSON & PATERSON Brumberhill Biscotti (AI)
VHC: MATTHEWS Wyeknot Come Fly with Me Over Sonham




Thank you so much to the Bath Committee for the invitation to judge one of my own breeds at one of my absolute favourite shows. We were treated to a sunny late spring day with a slight breeze – perfect for showing dogs. Thanks also to the exhibitors for bringing their beautiful dogs. It was a privilege to judge them.  Most had typical Wire temperaments which we all find so endearing.  The overall quality was good but I was rather disappointed to find that some who stacked into a correct shape on the table, lost it when on the move, losing balance, topline and lacking reach and drive. As a hunting and tracking breed a Wire should easily be able to cover the short cut grass we enjoyed in our ring with minimal effort.  I was pleased with my main winners. Thank you to our steward Mike Blay who who kept the proceedings running smoothly. 

Veteran Dog (2,0) 

  1. Ch Silvae Klansman (Norman) lovely type. Masculine conical head. Strong jaw with correct bite. Strong mod long neck leading into well laid back shoulders with enough return of upper arm.  Well developed prosternum, long ribcage, level topline, strong rear with correct tailset. Presented a lovely outline both stacked and on the move. Free and easy mover. Lovely temperament. Good ground clearance. A tad long in body.   

  1. Cr Ch Qrrens-Dax Enzo Topazo (imp Hung) (Vig) another lovely boy. Although I preferred his height to length to 1, his angulation was more moderate and he didn't cover the ground quite so well. Good length and depth to ribcage.  Short hock to ground. Excellent coat quality.  

Minor Puppy Dog (2,0) 

  1. Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom (Rowe & Rowe) very much a baby at 6 months.  Nice head and expression.  Good bone, length of rib and wide pelvis, well angulated rear and short hock to ground.  Rather bum high at this stage but moved soundly with great composure for his age.  Well presented and handled. BP 

  1. Romanchi Day at the Races (Moore & Downes) raw baby with a super head eye and expression.  Still very much getting his act together but a lovely type who has lots of potential as all the essentials are in the right place. Good coat quality.  

Puppy Dog (5,0) 

   1. B Goodnight Mr Tom 

   2. Tannahill Wild Day (Binks) smart boy up to size. Lots to like at this stage.  Masculine head with almond eye.  Well developed forechest and enough angulation.  Moved well covering the ground with ease. 

3.  Kissdachs Genius Matrix  (Coss) 

Junior (3,0) 

  1. Tendrow Malibar (Howlett and Phillips) exciting young dog presented to perfection. Masculine had with lovely expression. Correct bite. Moderately constructed all through with no exaggeration. Good length of rib with level topline. Correct sweep to stifle and short hock to ground. Covered ground well. Still needs time to develop in front and firm in his topline but is right for his age. Lots to come from this chap I think. Lovely temperament. I had no hesitation in awarding him the RCC. 

  1. Cloudside Valentino at Decalleigh (Christie) lots to commend this young dog.  Masculine head with correct almond shaped eye, broad ears. Correct front and rear construction and good bone. Tight feet.  Looked super stacked but not the reach and drive of 1.  

  1. Cairparavel Hartnell ( Clayton – Smith) 

Yearling Dog (4,0) 

  1. Silvae State Secret (Norman) super type of Wire who is lovely to go over.  Conical head with dark almond shaped eye. Correct bite. Strong jaw. Moderately long strong neck leading into well laid back shoulders and enough return of upper arm, long ribcage with elbows tucked neatly under ribs, good ground clearance. Strong powerful rear quarters. Super coat and condition, as hard as nails.  CC 

  1. Ch Sunsong Dare To Dream (Seath) rather heavier for my taste but has many qualities.  Super coat quality with good undercoat and furnishings.  Well developed forechest length of ribbing and level topline.  Good bone.  Lacked purpose on the move today.  

  1. Cloudside Vincent (Moore) 

Post Graduate Dog ( 3,0) 

  1. Elderkine Special Brew (Jackson) although this red boy is up to size he is balanced with a good front, length of rib, level topline and well angulated rear.  Masculine but quality head with correct bite. Coat good and lovely temperament.  

  1. Cishelvine Coriolanus (Vine) very nice type of red better size than 1. Lovely head and expression.  Very nice to go over with correct front and rear with good length of rib.  Moved well.  Bite untidy which was a pity.  

  1. Elmore James Greyhane (Wharton) 

Limit Dog (8,1) 

  1. Boloria All Spice (Akehurst) super dog with lots to like. A little on the heavier side for my preference but loved his height to length and overall balance.  Moderate front and rear angles, good length of rib, level topline, good tailset and carriage. Correct coat well presented.  Moved well both ways and in profile. Best SB 

  1. Calico Just Me (Apps) nice type of red dog of correct make and shape. Coat rather soft but could be improved with some work.  Correct head and expression.  Mod angles front and rear, ribbing of good length, level topline and strong short loin.   

  1. Ellesophia Fly Me To the Moon (Adams)  

Open Dog (2,0) 

  1. Derochaise Blue Danube (Maes-Jones and Bates) so much to like about this super type of dachshund. Loved good head and expression, moderate angles but would prefer more length of upper arm, good length of rib and level topline. Good ground clearance.   Coat quality and presentation first class and he was in tip top body condition.   Moved soundly coming and going but lacked reach and drive in profile.  

  1. Kasalane Ostiriato (Wills) larger red dog with good coat and lovely temperament.  Moved well keeping his level topline.  

Special Beginners (3,2) 

1.B All Spice 

Veteran Bitch (1,0) 

  1. Ch Boloria Trick Or Treat (Rowe) an absolute showgirl. A little pocket rocket! So well balanced and sound.  Handled and presented to perfection. Super coat and condition.  BV  

Minor Puppy Bitch (2,0) 

  1. Romanchi Night At the Opera (Moore & Downes) 6 months lovely puppy who was enjoying her day.  Super head, eye and expression.  Long neck leading into well laid back shoulders and return of upper arm.  Well developed forechest for age and depth and length of keel. Strong rear with short hock to ground. Good coat. Will have a bright future in sure.  

  1. Romanchi A Kind of Magic at Diefur (Dean and Moore) I loved her! Very raw and not as forward as her sister but an exciting prospect. Similar remarks apply.  Two smashing puppies.  

Puppy Bitch 3,0) 

  1. Ut It Duarp Bonnie at Tannahill (Binks) balanced feminine head, correct bite. Super front and rear construction with good length of ribcage and level topline.  Super feet.  Short rear pasterns. Moved well with reach and drive.   

  1. Kissdachs Gorgeous Mirabella No One (Ellrich & Weston)  nice type of puppy who at this stage needs to come together being rather soft just yet.  Conical head with almond eye and nice expression.  Mod angles front and rear.  Rises over the loin somewhat but hopefully she'll come up on her front as she strengthens.  Promising puppy.  

  1. Elderkine Bronte (Jackson) 

Junior Bitch (4,1) 

  1. Bramalodge Baby I’m Yours (Howe) hard coated girl with eye catching demeanor. Slightly heavier all through than I prefer but in no way coarse. She has good bone, moderate angles and balanced all through. Excellent length of ribbing.  

  1. Bystock Blue Tango at Marondera (Parrot) lovely type with super front construction, length of ribcage.  Longer coupled than 1 and tended to roach when stacked. Moved well.  

  1. Cairparavel Mary Quant ( Clayton – Smith) 

Yearling Bitch ( 6,1) 

  1. Sonham Twice As Nice (Matthews) super head and expression. Conical head with almond eye.  Well developed thorax, well laid back shoulders with return of upper arm, good length of rib and well angulated rear quarters.  Her movement reflected her correct construction. Endearing outgoing temperament.  Furnishings a little soft in texture.  

  1. Silvae Keep A Secret ( Vig) another with an outgoing temperament and wire character.  Lovely head with almond eye.  Moderate angles although a little heavy over the shoulders.  Good ground clearance.  Level topline, good length of rib and short coupled.  Correct coat which was well presented.  Preferred movement of 1. 

  1. Bystock Blue Orchid ( Pugh and Fraser) 

Novice Bitch (1,0) 

  1. Bramalodge French Kiss (Howe) enjoying her day out! Balanced head, good length of neck, well laid back shoulders but short upper arm and heavy over the shoulders.  Good length of rib and well angulated rear quarters.  Movved wide in front. Hard coat.  

Post Graduate Bitch (3,1) 

  1. Brumberhill Barbed Wire (McPherson and Paterson) super coat beautifully presented.  Lovely type of Wire.  Conical feminine head with dark almond eye. Correct bite and strong jaw... super expression.  Good length of neck into well laid back shoulders and enough return of upper arm. Good length of ribcage.  Good topline and underline. Strong rear. Moved well.  

  1. Ellesophia Light The Way With Feldhund (Beagrie) lots to like about her.  A bit heavier all through for my preference but well balanced and I liked her height to length ratio.  Not the front of 1 being heavier over the shoulder.  Moved well in profile but not so positive going away.  Coat a little soft in places.  

Limit Bitch (7,2) 

  1. Boloria Sugar ‘n Spice (Rowe) I like her balance and ground clearance.  Moderately angled with good length of ribcage, level topline and wide pelvis and strong rear quarters. A tad short in upper arm Moved true coming and going and in profile. Good coat.  

  1. Aventine Aunt Patience (Coverley) lovely bitch with super front assembly.  Good length of rib with good topline and underline. Well angulated hind quarters with super short hocks to ground. Just did not move with enthusiasm and inclined to lose her topline in profile but I really liked her.  

  1. Cishelvine Cassandra (Vine) 

Open B (7,0) 

  1. Ch Silvae Time After Time at Bronia ( Hanney- Mitchell and McCalmont) super type and is the consummate showgirl.  Beautiful feminine head with correctly shaped almond eye, strong under jaw  giving her a true houndy expression. Long, strong arched neck leading into moderately angled shoulders with well developed thorax, excellent length of ribcage and strong level topline and excellent underline.  Well angulated rear quarters. Wide pelvis and short hock to ground.  Good ground clearance. Slightly longer coupled than I prefer but her loin is strong and well muscled. Powered around the ring with perfect footfall standing four square on tight feet when free standing.  Correct tailset and carriage. In super hard muscular condition I was delighted to give her the CC and BOB and to see her go Group 3. 

  1. Ch Tendrow Makes The Right Turn ( Howlett and Phillips) another lovely bitch who shows her socks off and pushed the winner hard, her handler getting every inch out of her.  Different type from 1 but correct in all departments. Conical head with almond eye, correct bite. Mod length of neck leading into well laid back shoulders and enough return of upper arm.  Good length of ribbing and level topline. Super well muscled hindquarters with short rear pasterns.  Moved out soundly both coming going and in profile but preferred head carriage of 1. Coat presentation first class. RCC 

  1. Ch Silvae Sky Dancer (McCalmont) 

Judith L Carruthers