Judge: Mark Ord

Dog CC : MAE-JONES & BATES Derochaise Blue Danube
Res Dog CC : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar JW
Bitch CC :  MAE-JONES & BATES Ch Derochaise Elusia JW
Res Bitch CC : MCPHERSON & PATERSON Brumberhill Biscotti (AI)
Best Puppy : BINKS Ut It Doarp Bonnie at Tannahill (Imp Nld)

Best Junior : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar JW
Best Veteran : MAE-JONES & BATES Ch Derochaise Elusia JW

Puppy Dog (5,1)
1st: BEAGRIE Feldhund Moonlight
2nd: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
3rd: CARTER Wyreview Orson Welles
Res: CARTER Wyreview Octavius

Junior Dog (4,1)
1st: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
2nd: COSS Kissdachs Genius Matrix (imp Hun)
3rd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Hartnell


Yearling Dog (2)
1st: CHRISTIE Cloudside Valentino At Decalleigh
2nd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Hartnell

Post Graduate Dog (8,1)
1st: NORMAN Silvae State Secret
2nd: CHRISTIE Cloudside Valentino At Decalleigh
3rd: FARRINGTON Dollydash Defender of Faith
Res: JACKSON Elderkine Special Brew
VHC: RUSSELL Collidach Russell Leeves

Limit Dog (9,4)
1st: VINE Cishelvine Quintillion
2nd: AKEHURST Boloria All Spice
3rd: HUNT Weinacht Larch at Drakkina JW
Res: ADAMS Ellesophia Fly Me To The Moon JW
VHC: HORNE Salixian Moroccan Mint

Open Dog (3)
1st: MAES-JONES & BATES Derochaise Blue Danube
2nd: CARRUTHERS Ch Aikton Alexander At Stanegate
3rd: OSBOURNE Derochaise Vincenzo Di Braego

Veteran Dog (2,1)
1st: NORMAN Ch Silvae Klansman

Puppy Bitch (5,1)
1st: BINKS Ut It Doarp Bonnie At Tannahill (imp Nld)
2nd: SMITH Salixian Gracious Wings
3rd: BEAGRIE Feldhund Show the Way
Res: MAY & BALL Wtreview Olympia

Junior Bitch (8,6)
1st: CARRUTHERS Stanegate Starlene
2nd: JACKSON Elderkine's Bronte

Yearling Bitch (6,3)
1st: MATTHEWS Sonham Twice As Nice JW
2nd: JACKSON Hototo's Speculator

Post Graduate Bitch (8,2)
1st: MCPHERSON & PATERSON Brumberhill Barbed Wire
2nd:GRAHAM Boloria Wild Spice
3rd: HUTCHINGS Collidach Raynee Day JW
Res: HUNT Drallina Wirenth
VHC: WILSON Stanegate Salsa at Willlowash

Limit Bitch (9,6)
1st: WILSON Stanegate Katie Brown at Willlowash
2nd:STOCKDALE Derochaise Blue Velvet at Fenwires
3rd: VINE Cishelvine Cassandra

Open Bitch (8,2)
1st: MCPHERSON & PATERSON Brumberhill Biscotti (ai)
2nd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Kiss From A Rose JW
3rd: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Ch Tendrow Makes the Right Turn JW
Res: ROWE Ch Boloria's Nice N Spicy JW
VHC: HUTCHINGSCh Collidach Brook Ling ShCEx

Veteran Bitch (3)
1st: MAE-JONES & BATES Ch Derochaise Elusia JW
2nd: ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW
3rd: HUTCHINGS Tendrow I Am The One From Collidach JW

PD (5,1) 1 Feldhund Moonlight (Beagrie) lovely balanced profile, pleasing for size, masculine but not heavy, good bone, holds his head proudly on good neck, like his shoulder & upper arm, body still raw, correctly held top line with strong loin, correct ground clearance, good feet, tail well set, moved well fore & aft as well as having a good profile, like his conical head shape, with correct almond eye & well set ears. 2 Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom (Rowe) slightly less mature despite being a little older this male is again pleasing for size, like his head, eye & ear, good neck placement with the slight arch, still needing to fill in his front, moved well & was well presented in double coat, correct rib & loin, liked his rear rounded rump, well set on tail & carriage, neat feet of good size 3 Wyreview Orson Welles (Carter) JD (4,1) 1 Tendrow Malibar JW (Howlett & Phillips) one I have done well recently in group competition but unfortunately today his mind was on other things and despite his movement being sound he was not getting into his usual stride, despite this he is one quality male with lots to like, still needs to fill out in his ribbing, excellent in shoulder & upper arm, good fore chest, correct feet, has excellent top line with flexible arch over his loin, nicely rounded rear with tail set on correct, coat was presented better today than last time I judged him, like his almond well set eye & good big ears lying close to cheek, Res C.C. and BJ 2 Kissdachs Genius Matrix (Imp Hun) (Coss) another quality masculine male with excellent double coat, well presented & handled, heavier in rib than 1 & not as good in elbow placement which needs to be closer to his chest, has excellent fore chest with good length to his keel, firm top line & clean under, nicely proportioned body, rounded rump & well set tail 3 Cairparavel Hartnell (Clayton-Smith) YD (2) 1 Cloudside Valentino at Decalleigh (Christie) very pleasing young male, most lovely conical head shape, strong bite, well placed ears held correctly, has excellent neck & front, in excellent body with ribbing carried well back, flexible firm loin, lovely big feet which are neat & compact, well presented double coat, lovely front action & just needs to tighten more in rear, well carried tail correctly set on, a little more maturing to do & will make a quality dog. 2 Cairparavel Hartnell (Clayton-Smith) head now starting to mature, in good harsh jacket with good undercoat, needs a little more body weight to fill his ribbing, firm in loin but flexible, particularly like his eye & ear, his chest is deep & has a pleasing front, needs more strength in his rear to give more driving action. PGD (8,1) 1 Silvae State Secret (Norman) slightly longer than my interpretation but despite this his movement was a joy to see, loved the conical head shape with correct eye & ear, good shoulder & corresponding length to upper arm, this he uses to show good reach in front without any exaggeration, nicely shaped ribbing, prefer shade shorter in loin, has well placed hocks that are neither too short or too long, correct feet, harsh top coat & presented in hard condition. 2 Cloudside Valentino at Decalleigh (Christie) 3 Dollydash Defender of Faith (Farrington) LD (9,4) 1 Cishelvine Quintillion (Vine) very masculine & hard muscular male who commands attention on stack, excellent shaped head & held proudly when moving which he does with precision & is not an exaggerated over stride, in excellent coat, harsh & close to his well constructed body, correct amount of ground clearance when seen in profile stance & on the move, good strength of jaw & correct bite, lovely eye set & ears correctly held, has depth of chest with good amount of spring to his ribbing, 2 Boloria All Spice (Akehurst) a dog who is improving all the time with age, well shaped in head of good strength, almond well set eye, good ear carriage, well set shoulder but would like slightly better upper arm to give more reach in his front movement, expertly presented in excellent double coat of good texture, correct feet, well set tail correct carriage, sound good drive from his rear. 3 Weinacht Larch at Drakkina JW (Hunt) OD (3) 1 Derochaise Blue Danube (Maes-Jones & Bates) not a flash & dash dog but construction wise for me he is highly desirable, has excellent head, strong jaw with good dentition, well set ears close to head, good eye placement of almond shaping, had the best body today with a good shoulder & upper arm, nothing is exaggerated on him, nicely rounded rump with correctly set tail, tail could be carried better to his advantage but did not detract, for me has the best ribbing shape, loin & the coat is close & of excellent quality. My peers years ago were adamant in asking for a wire to look like a smooth from a distance & yet now I am witnessing coats that are heavy and even being volumised which should not become the norm. Won top award of C.C. today on construction & for me he is a perfect size male. I see is sire to my puppy dog winner today and he is the son of my bitch C.C. winner. 2 Ch Aikton Alexander at Stanegate (Carruthers) well known male who has quality in abundance, lovely head shape with strong dentition in his strong jaw, conical shaping of head with well placed eye, correct keel length & wrap around front, in excellent body shape with good ribbing & firm flexible loin, nicely rounded in rear with well set tail, has excellent feet, immaculate coat presentation & of good texture, I prefer the size overall of my C.C. & Res C.C. winners and also rear stance. 3 Derochaise Vincenzo Di Braego (Osbourne) VD (2) 1 Ch Silvae Klansman (Norman) 8 yr old who is still in excellent condition with good amount of muscle tone, love the head with still good dentition, lovely almond eyes, correct ear placement, has really good neck & front, correct ribbing, shade longer in loin than I look for, excellent top line, clean under neath with correct ground covariance, moved out well fore & aft, well deserved his title, correct coat not over done 2 Smith’s Salesian Eau Rouge year younger than 1 & still looking in excellent condition, has a very good coat texture to his red coat which was well presented, very pleasing in head with lovely dark pigment around eyes, large nostrils, well set ears close to cheek, pleasing length of neck, would like a better front placement, enough weight over his loin, well placed hocks & correct tail set PB (5,1) 1 Ut It Doarp Bonnie at Tannahill (Imp Nld) (Miss A Binks) very profuse top coat & dense undercoat, one you need to get your hands on to appreciate as the coat detracts from her profile presentation, she is feminine in size but excellent substance for her young age, like her shoulder & upper arm, in good body for young age, excellent in top line, rounded rump & well set tail, has excellent feet, lovely reach in front coming from sound rear pushing this forwards BP 2 Salixian Gracious Wings (Smith) less mature in appearance to 1 but is pleasing for size & make, lovely feminine outlook, in excellent coat well presented, a little bum high today but sure this will settle immaturity, has correct feet but needs to tighten up on her pasterns, good depth of chest, correct length to her loin, correct tail carriage. 3 Feldhund Show The Way (Beagrie) JB (8,6) 1 Stanegate Starlene ( Carruthers) one I have judged before & like her make & shape, has a lovely head shape, correct almond eye well set, excellent shoulder & upper arm, well ribbed maybe a little overweight today, strong firm loin, nicely rounded rear, well set hocks, good tail set & carriage, has good feet of correct size, nicely balanced bitcoin double coat but not at it’s best today. 2 Elderkine’s Bronte (Jackson) has a good head with strong jaw, well set eye of correct shape, slightly than 1, liked her ribbing shape & firm loin, excellent quarters with correct tail carriage & set on, has the desired length of shoulder but would like more upper arm, sound in rear movement but due to upper arm being short not the desired reach in front. In good double coat which was well presented. YB (6,3) 1 Sonham Twice As Nice JW (Matthews) presents a pleasing flowing profile picture, like her head proportions & good neck, on the ground looked sloppy in her front stance but was better on examination on the table, excellent top line, correct length of loin, stands herself soundly in the rear well well set firm hocks, rounded rump & well set tail, messing about to begin on move but once settled her movement was sound both fore & aft, not in full coat today but enough to see has correct texture. 2 Hototo’s Speculator (Jackson) slightly longer in body than 1 but has a very desirable head with almond shaped eyes, ears of good size, fine & hanging close, strong in neck & pleasing in her front, good keel length, nicely ribbed up, shade shorter loin would be better, sound well muscled quarters with correct tail carriage. PGB (8,2) 1 Brumberhill Barbed Wire (Mcpherson & Paterson) scored well in her size & has excellent ground clearance, correct firm top line with slight arch over her loin which is pleasing in length, nice balance of shoulder & upper arm, she carries the correct amount of body weight, excellent coat presentation, would like a little more in the way of face furnishings, correct feet size & shape, moved well & is showy. 2 Boloria Wild Spice JW (Graham) love how feminine this girl is, pleasing in head with well placed ears closely held & large, in excellent coat today & not over done, has a good rib shape, well held elbows, firm but flexible in her loin, correct length of shoulder but would like a little more length of upper arm, despite this she is one hell of a mover, covers the ground without over stepping, in hard muscular condition with firm hocks well set. 3 Collidach Raynee Day JW (Hutchings) LB (9,6) 1 Stanegate Katie Brown at Willowash (Mr R & Mrs J Wilson) in very profuse coat today but the texture was excellent for a working dog, under this coat she is nicely put together and is of a pleasing size, well shaped conical head, correct ear placement & of good size, clean in her top & under line, correct in quarters with no exaggerated stance, tending to mess her owner around on the move but she is a quality bitch with lots to like. 2 Derochaise Blue Velvet At Fenwires (Stockade) excellent size & shape, feminine all through, pleasing in her movement with precise none exaggerated gait, everything flows & in good balance, nicely rounded rump, good tail set & carriage, correct shaping of feet, has a desirable coat but not much of it today. 3 Cishelvine Cassandra (Vine) OB (8,2) 1 Brumberhill Biscotti (ai) (Mcpherson & Paterson) one I have always admired from the ringside, correct in head proportions, well placed ears close to cheek, has an excellent body shape both ribbing & loin of correct lengths, like her front & holds top line well, plenty ground clearance without being leggy, correct sized feet both firm & functional, in excellent double coat which has correct texture and not overly abundant which shows her outline to perfection, moves well in front and although sound in rear I would prefer a little more width, correct tail set, length & carriage Res C.C. 2 Cairparavel Kiss from A Rose JW (Clayton-Smith) another that is highly desirable, and for me has all I am looking for but would like a stronger more positive rear movement, she has an excellent shaped head, correct in eye & ear, presented in excellent harsh jacket and not over coated, correct length of shoulder with equal length & correctly laid upper arm, firm top line & excellent length to her firm loin, moved today at the correct speed her front is highly desirable as is her top & under line, nicely proportioned feet. A quality bitch who pushed hard for top honours and deserves them. 3 Ch Tendrow Makes The Right Turn JW (Howlett & Phillips) VB (3) 1 Ch Derochaise Elusia JW (Maes-Jones & Bates) as the saying goes “save the best to last” I judged this bitch as a raw puppy and awarded her B.P.I.S. & B.I.S. at a Hound Group Open Show, for me she is what I desire from the breed standard, I can not fault her and never thought I would have the honour of judging her again. I can honestly say at 8 years old I have never seen her looking better than I did today. This is a top quality wire from nose to tail, her quality is outstanding and I had no hesitation in awarding her top honours, C.C. & B.O.B. over her son. Not many kennels sadly these days producing a breed type but these clever breeders certainly are. BV 2 Ch Boloria’s Trick or Treat JW VW (Miss R Rowe) 7 yr old b who is full of herself and powers around the ring like a youngster, she is certainly feminine & nothing is exaggerated, good head shape & in excellent body condition, correct in rib & loin, good coat well handled & presented, still loving her time in the show ring and owner gets the best out of her, never stops showing. 3 Tendrow I Am The One from Collidach JW (Hutchings)