Judge: Miss Z BOYLE

BEST OF BREED : CARRUTHERS Ch Aikton Alexander At Stanegate
Dog CC : CARRUTHERS Ch Aikton Alexander At Stanegate
Res Dog CC : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
Bitch CC : CARRUTHERS Stanegate Starlene
Res Bitch CC : HUTCHINGS Collidach Raynee Day JW
Best Puppy : COSS Kissdachs Genius Matrix (imp Hun)
Best Veteran : ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW
Best Special Beginner : AKEHURST Boloria All Spice

Special Beginner Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: AKEHURST Boloria All Spice
2nd:FARRINGTON Dollydash Defender Of Faith
3rd: RUSSELL Collidach Russell Leeves
Res: HORNE Salixian Moroccan Mint

Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
2nd: MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Day At The Races
3rd: MOUNTFORD Lallybrook Royale Jester

Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: COSS Kissdachs Genius Matrix (imp Hun)
2nd: BINKS Tannahill Wild Day
3rd: COVERLEY Aventine The Poacher

Junior Dog (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
2nd: MOORE Cloudside Vincent
3rd: PUGHE & FRASER Stanegate Stefan At Bystock
Res: CHRISTIE Cloudside Valentino At Decalleigh
VHC: MOUNTFORD Teckelgarth Love Bug

Post Graduate Dog (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WHARTON Elmore James Greyhayne
2nd: JACKSON Elderkine Special Brew
3rd: VINE Cishelvine Coriolanus
Res: NORMAN Silvae State Secret
VHC: BEST Stanegate Saviero At Bestina

Limit Dog (9 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: SEATH Sunsong Dare To Dream
2nd: WHARTON Szymon Majewski V.h. Ruwielse Land To Greyhayne(im
3rd: VINE Cishelvine Quintillion
Res: AKEHURST Boloria All Spice
VHC: ADAMS Ellesophia Fly Me To The Moon JW

Open Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CARRUTHERS Ch Aikton Alexander At Stanegate
2nd: MAES-JONES & BATES Derochaise Blue Danube
3rd: ORD & AINSLEY Cloudside Sebastian Of Marnadee Jw
Res: MATTHEWS Stanegate Billy The Kid At Sonham JW
VHC:WILLS Kasalane Ostiriato Sea

Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: VIG Croat Ch Q-rrens-dax Enzo Topazo (Imp)

Special Beginner Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: JACKSON Hototo's Speculator
2nd: LOWE Nasiriyah's Bye Bye Baby
3rd: HUDSONLUND Hototo Ain't She Sweet
Res: SIEMINSKI Wyldetarn Genesis

Minor Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Night At The Opera
2nd: WALLER Lallybrook Royale Legacy
3rd: DEAN & MOORE Romanchi A Kind Of Magic To Dierfiur

Puppy Bitch (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: WESTON & ELLRICH Kissdachs Gorgeous Mirabella No. One (imp Hun)
2nd: WALLER Lallybrook Royal Toast
3rd: ARTHURS Elderkine's Austin
Res: JACKSON Elderkine's Bronte
VHC: BINKS Ut It Doarp Bonnie At Tannahill (imp Nld)

Junior Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: CARRUTHERS Stanegate Starlene
2nd: HOWE Bramalodge Baby I'm Yours
3rd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Mary Quant
Res: MATTHEWS Sonham Twice As Nice JW
VHC: CHAMBERS & HUDSON-LUND Hototo's Cool Customer

Post Graduate Bitch (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: HUTCHINGS Collidach Raynee Day JW
2nd: MOORE & DEAN Brontillow Canterbury Bell To Diefiur
3rd: LOWE Nasiriyah's Last Kiss
Res: VIG & MOLNAR Silvae Keep A Secret
VHC: HUDSON-LUND Hototo Ain't She Sweet

Limit Bitch (12 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: VINE Cishelvine Cassandra
2nd: COVERLEY Aventine Aunt Patience JW
3rd: MCCALMONT Silvae Best Kept Secret
Res: MATTHEWS Wyeknot Come Fly With Me Over Sonham
VHC: ROWE Boloria Sugar'n Spice

Open Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Kiss From A Rose JW
2nd: HUTCHINGSCh Collidach Brook Ling ShCEx
3rd: MCCALMONT Duncan Ch Silvae Sky Dancer
Res: MCCALMONT & HANNEY Ch Silvae Time After Time At Bronia

Veteran Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW
2nd: HUTCHINGS Tendrow I Am The One From Collidach JW


A Committee provides for us all to enjoy an event, And I have to say it, Birmingham National you looked sensational, such a huge amount of organisation goes into something as well put together as you provided for your exhibitors over these four days, and it was still as stunning on day four with warm and pleasant weather to also enjoy.

I had a great size ring, just the perfect size and I had two very competent and pleasant stewards to assist me. Thank You.

I was pleased to have such a nice entry and within that entry, I was able to find the structure, shape and movement, I had hoped I could find. I was delighted with my winners and thoroughly enjoyed this appointment.

I would like to Thank you all for your entries, I judged your dogs as honestly as I could to my interpretation of the breed standard and its updates over the years. It was good sportsmanship between all the exhibitors. Thank You for accepting my decision.

The negative observation of the breed’s entry on the day was the dentition and bite.


Class 2634 SBD (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7434 AKEHURST, Mrs Cheryl Boloria All Spice, stood away in this class for his breed type, full front feet, coupled with parallel sound movement, conical head with almond eye, excellent coat and furnishings, Handled well. BSBIB

2nd: 7457 FARRINGTON, Mrs Sharon Dollydash Defender Of Faith, Taller than the winner, again moved soundly and his coat had nice texture.

3rd: 7494 RUSSELL, Ms Julia Collidach Russell Leeves

Res: 7460 HORNE, Mr Michael Salixian Moroccan Mint


Class 2635 MPD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7493 ROWE, Mrs Jenny & ROWE, Miss Rebecca Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom, very much a baby compact, well-muscled and without exaggeration, he moved out soundly with reach and drive and he sported a jacket of the correct texture.

2nd: 7481 MOORE, Mrs Anne & DOWNES, Miss Laura Romanchi Day At The Races, this boy needs time but he certainly has it all there, hands just flowed over his construction and I appreciated this structure in such a super harsh coat. Moved ok.

3rd: 7486 MOUNTFORD, Mrs M Lallybrook Royale Jester


Class 2636 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7450 COSS, Ms Andrea Kissdachs Genius Matrix (imp Hun) This boy oozed breed type he has a harsh coat and three apples, solid and compact with functional build, size and proportions, despite his young age he moved effortlessly with parallel precision on all angles. I was pleased to award him BPIB. I am sure he has a bright future ahead. BPIB

2nd: 7438 BINKS, Miss Anne E Tannahill Wild Day, same remarks as the winner, but was sloping more than I prefer towards his tail on the day.

3rd: 7452 COVERLEY, Mrs L Aventine The Poacher


Class 2637 JD (7 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 7462 HOWLETT, Miss Roisin & PHILLIPS, Mrs V Tendrow Malibar, I liked this male, he was stunningly stacked up and didn’t disappoint on the move either. He had the correct shoulder blades and ribs were well extended back, with a good length of sternum, he strode out well on the move, using strong muscle, excellent breed type and in an excellent jacket. RDCC.

2nd: 7479 MOORE, Mr W Cloudside Vincent, Unlucky to meet the winner today as he is a lovely well-constructed male, loin was short and strong and topline was reasonably level however he was not striding out as much as I would have liked to see him do.

3rd: 7490 PUGHE, Ms H M & FRASER, Ms C Stanegate Stefan At Bystock

Res: 7446 CHRISTIE, Mrs Emma Louise & CHRISTIE, MR COLIN Cloudside Valentino At Decalleigh

VHC: 7485 MOUNTFORD, Mrs M Teckelgarth Love Bug


Class 2638 PGD (9 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7510 WHARTON, Ms Liz A Elmore James Greyhayne. This boy caught my eye on entering the ring, with his well-balanced muscle and parallel movement, he was of good type in a harsh coat.

2nd: 7468 JACKSON, Mrs Susan & JACKSON, Mr Roger Elderkine Special Brew. Red, well-developed male of good proportions, full oval thorax, with ribs extending well back, but his left side elbow was not well tucked in and moved today with his bum quite high around the ring.

3rd: 7502 VINE, Mrs R M Cishelvine Coriolanus

Res: 7487 NORMAN, Miss Claire Silvae State Secret

VHC: 7437 BEST, Mrs Julie Stanegate Saviero At Bestina


Class 2639 LD (9 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7496 SEATH, Mrs S Sunsong Dare To Dream, I excitedly found an excellently constructed male here with a stunning head and eye, full oval thorax and his ribs well back with tight enough elbows. His loin was short and his underline was level, However, I was most disappointed to see him move with his hocks almost touching.

2nd: 7509 WHARTON, Ms Liz A Szymon Majewski V.h. Ruwielse Land To Greyhayne(imp) This boy was made well like the winner, but he was prominently roaching his topline on the move.

3rd: 7503 VINE, Mrs R M Cishelvine Quintillion

Res: 7434 AKEHURST, Mrs Cheryl Boloria All Spice

VHC: 7433 ADAMS, Mrs L D Ellesophia Fly Me To The Moon JW


Class 2640 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7440 CARRUTHERS, Mrs J Ch Aikton Alexander At Stanegate, Compact, well-muscled body, with enough ground clearance, ridges over eyes strongly prominent, Broad ears of moderate length, strongly developed, excellent dentition, slightly arched long muscular neck, Upper arm the same length as the shoulder blade, Moderately long and full muscled body, full volumed thorax, Croup long, full, robustly muscled, this exhibit stood equally on parts of the feet, tail carriage as a flag, free, flowing, long-striding movement which was parallel to each other with the distance apart being the width of the shoulder and hip joint. Short, straight, harsh coat with dense undercoat and neatly furnished. DCC, BOB.

2nd: 7473 MAES-JONES, Mrs E & BATES, Miss V Derochaise Blue Danube. Taller, than my winner but a compact well made dog, with good sound parallel and precise movement.

3rd: 7488 ORD, Mr M & AINSLEY, Mr Philip Cloudside Sebastian Of Marnadee Jw

Res: 7474 MATTHEWS, Mrs Alison Stanegate Billy the Kid At Sonham JW

VHC: 7513 WILLS, Mrs Kay Kasalane Ostiriato Sea


Class 2641 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7500 VIG, Mr B Croat Ch Q-rrens-dax Enzo Topazo (Imp) What a gentleman this 9-year-old boy was, he could put the youngsters to shame and still complete a day's work. Presented to me in a harsh coat with a lovely eye and correct dentition.


Class 2642 SBB (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 7469 JACKSON, Mrs Susan & JACKSON, Mr Roger Hototo's Speculator. This bitch was of excellent quality and type when allowed to use her quarters, presented in super coat and condition.

2nd: 7471 LOWE, Miss Gaynor Nasiriyah's Bye Bye Baby. Good handling from her owner, bitch was in-between coats, but she was very nice to go over and moved very well with her young handler.

3rd: 7464 HUDSONLUND, Ms Sally Hototo Ain't She Sweet

Res: 7497 SIEMINSKI, Ms Tracy J Wyldetarn Genesis



Class 2643 MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7482 MOORE, Mrs Anne & DOWNES, Miss Laura Romanchi Night At The Opera. I caught a few glimpses of this bitch and how special she will be once she comes together, and she will trouble the best, she has superb angles and good body coverage for her age, a super harsh coat and moves out with her handler well.

2nd: 7507 WALLER, Mrs Yvette Lallybrook Royale Legacy. Very similar remarks for this exhibit but she is smaller and finer, she showed herself off well for a minor puppy.

3rd: 7455 DEAN, Mrs Jane & MOORE, Mrs Anne Romanchi A Kind Of Magic To Dierfiur


Class 2644 PB (5 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7456 WESTON, Dr Leslie Ann & ELLRICH, Mrs Debra Kissdachs Gorgeous Mirabella No. One (imp Hun) Well made bitch long and broad shoulder blades, moved out soundly both ways. She was full of fun on the day, and had text book well tucked in elbows.

2nd: 7506 WALLER, Mrs Yvette Lallybrook Royal Toast. My notes say what a lovely bitch, very well constructed throughout, should mature well and have a bright future.

3rd: 7443 ARTHURS, Mr &Mrs A Elderkine's Austin

Res: 7470 JACKSON, Mrs Susan & JACKSON, Mr Roger Elderkine's Bronte

VHC: 7439 BINKS, Miss Anne E Ut It Doarp Bonnie At Tannahill (imp Nld)


Class 2645 JB (8 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 7441 CARRUTHERS, Mrs J Stanegate Starlene. Another top-drawer exhibit from the kennel my DCC winner had come from. This bitch appealed to me instantly she entered the ring. She was moderately long to height, without exaggeration, oval thorax, neatly tucked in elbows and long sloping shoulder blades, level top line and underline, finished with a full broad rump and free-flowing parallel movement on her broad feet and arched toes. BCC & BOS.

2nd: 7461 HOWE, Miss Emily Bramalodge Baby I'm Yours, this bitch was very similar and unfortunate to meet my winner in this class. She was just a bit bigger all through.

3rd: 7448 CLAYTON-SMITH, Mrs Suzanne Joy Cairparavel Mary Quant

Res: 7476 MATTHEWS, Mrs Alison Sonham Twice As Nice JW

VHC: 7463 CHAMBERS, Miss Caroline & HUDSON-LUND, MS Sally Hototo's Cool Customer


Class 2646 PGB (8 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 7467 HUTCHINGS, Mrs F Collidach Raynee Day JW this bitch is fabulous in coat and condition. Has a lovely eye and expression with excellent foreangles and follow through to the rear when moving she was sound and steady. Pleased to give her the RBCC.

2nd: 7480 MOORE, Mrs Anne & DEAN, Mrs Jane Brontillow Canterbury Bell To Diefiur, My notes say similar to the winner, in her construction. I am sure these girls will change places many times.

3rd: 7472 LOWE, Miss Gaynor Nasiriyah's Last Kiss

Res: 7501 VIG, Mr B & MOLNAR, Ms Szilvia Silvae Keep A Secret

VHC: 7464 HUDSONLUND, Ms Sally Hototo Ain't She Sweet


Class 2647 LB (12 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 7504 VINE, Mrs R M Cishelvine Cassandra, This girl screamed femineity and I was delighted when my hands glided over her, she was strong and parallel in her movement with a most appealing conical head and almond eye.

2nd: 7451 COVERLEY, Mrs L Aventine Aunt Patience JW This bitch was carrying more coat than the winner, but her footfall was not quite as perfect as my winner today.

3rd: 7478 MCCALMONT, Mrs Kim & MCCALMONT, Mr Duncan Silvae Best Kept Secret

Res: 7475 MATTHEWS, Mrs Alison Wyeknot Come Fly With Me Over Sonham

VHC: 7492 ROWE, Mrs Jenny Boloria Sugar'n Spice


Class 2648 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7449 CLAYTON-SMITH, Mrs Suzanne Joy Cairparavel Kiss From A Rose JW, of a taller type but she was still correct to the breed standard, she excelled in moving out in my ring with her handler.

2nd: 7466 HUTCHINGS, Mrs F Ch Collidach Brook Ling ShCEx another bitch screaming quality, ribs extended well back with good length of sternum, I liked her a lot and she was an excellent mover.

3rd: 7477 MCCALMONT, Mrs Kim & MCCALMONT, Mr Duncan Ch Silvae Sky Dancer

Res: 7459 MCCALMONT, Mrs Kim & MCCALMONT, Mr Duncan & HANNEY Ch Silvae Time After Time At Bronia


Class 2649 VB (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 7491 ROWE, Miss R Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW Compact well-muscled body, lively, short and strong loin, underline gradually merging into the abdomen, she couldn’t be overlooked, so sound. Pleased to award her BVIB.

2nd: 7465 HUTCHINGS, Mrs F Tendrow I Am The One From Collidach JW. I have judged this girl before and done her well, superbly made girl, she is still a credit to her owners. Thank you for bringing her once again.