Judge: Clare Bethel

Dog CC : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
Res Dog CC : HUTCHINGS & PRICE Collidach Percy Cute at Samlane
Bitch CC : MOORE & DEAN Brontillow Canterbury Bell To Diefiur
Res Bitch CC : HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Ch Tendrow Makes the Right Turn JW
Best Puppy : ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom
Best Veteran : ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW

Best Special Beginner : RUSSELL Collidach Russell Leeves


Veteran Dog or Bitch (3,1)
1st:  ROWE Ch Boloria's Trick Or Treat JW
2nd: BALDWIN Aventine Scotts Bluff

Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1st: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom

Puppy Dog (2)
1st: ROWE Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom

2nd: SANDERS Knottsrose Olaf

Junior Dog (3)
1st: MOORE Cloudside Vincent

2nd: PUGHE & FRASER Stanegate Stefan at Bystock

3rd: BALDWIN Aventine the Squire

Yearling Dog (2)
1st: SEATH Ch Sunsong Dare to Dream
2nd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Hartnell


Post Graduate Dog (3)
1st: BALDWIN Aventine Joss Merlyn
2nd: RUSSELL Collidach Russell Leeves
3rd: JACKSON Elderkine Special Brew

Limit Dog (3,1)
1st: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Tendrow Malibar
2nd: APPS Calicoe Just Me


Open Dog (2)
1st: HUTCHINGS & PRICE Collidach Percy Cute at Samlane
2nd: AKEHURST Boloria All Spice


Special Beginner Dog or Bitch (4)
1st: RUSSELL Collidach Russell Leeves
2nd: PARKER Vixendax You and Me at Zorionadax

3rd: SANDERS Knottsrose Olaf

Res: HAYES Ottnott Doreen Martha

Minor Puppy Bitch (6)
1st: MOORE & DOWNES Romanchi Night at the Opera
2nd:DEAN & MOORE Romanchi A Kind of Magic to Dierfiur

3rd: PARKER Vixendax You and Me at Zorionadax

Res: ELLIS Vixendax Make Me a Winner

VHC: WALLER Lallybrook Royale Legacy

Puppy Bitch (1)
1st: WALLER Lallybrook Royale Toast

Junior Bitch (4)
1st: PHILLIPS Tendrow Carolina Reaper
2nd: HOWE Bramalodge Baby I'm yours

3rd: ELLRICH & WESTON Kissdachs Gorgeous Mirabella No One (Imp Hun)

Res: JACKSON Elderkine's Bronte

Yearling Bitch (7,2 )
1st: PARROTT Bystock Blue Tango at Marondera

2nd: MATTHEWS Sonham Twice As Nice JW

3rd: SEATH Sunsong Hopes and Dreams

Res: PUGHE & FRASER Bystock Blue Orchid

VHC: JACKSON Hototo's Speculator

Post Graduate Bitch (3,1)
1st: HUTCHINGS Collidach Raynee Day JW
2nd:PARROTT Derochaise Blue Angel at Marondera

Limit Bitch (5,2)
1st: MOORE & DEAN Brontillow Canterbury Bell To Diefiur
2nd: MOORE Derochaise Black Cherry Cloudside
3rd: ELLIS Vixendax Venus Starlight

Open Bitch (4,1)
1st: HOWLETT & PHILLIPS Ch Tendrow Makes the Right Turn JW
2nd: CLAYTON-SMITH Cairparavel Kiss From A Rose JW

3rd: MATTHEWS Wyeknot Come Fly with Me over Sonham

I was asked to take over from the original judge Mrs B Jones, unfortunately wasn't able to fulfil her appointment due to illness. I wish her speedy recovery, as I'm sure she would have been thrilled with these entries.

My gratitude to the two stewards, Brian Chessell and Nina Pace, they really worked hard and kept me going throughout the day. It was set to be a lovely warm day and I thoroughly enjoyed my appointment.

Although there were quite a few of the dogs which lacked presentation, dirty teeth, long nails and flat feet or down on their pasterns, soft coats in the Wires and few with incorrect bites in both breeds. This was also the last show which weighed the minis due to the RKC changes, it's very sad after all the years of dedication from exhibitors to keep to type, size and weight within the breed as per breed standard.

Some of the MS were overweight, some were larger than the breed standard which reflected in some of my placings. Overall, I had some fabulous quality dogs to judge and would like to thank you for all the lovely entries.

Wire haired dachshunds

Vet D/B (3-1) 1st Rowe - Ch Boloria's Trick or Treat JW VW, very nice bitch, won this class on movement. Nice femine head, correct bite, strong jaws. Just enough furnishings on her face and good coat texture. Lovely reach of neck, i'd like more to her front, shoulders are ok, good ribbing carried back, good sound hind quarters. 2nd Baldwin - Aventine Scotts Bluff, dog of 10yrs, he really enjoyed his day out. Not as balanced as winner, still pleasing to go over.

MPD (1) 1st Rowe - Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom very promising boy, still has a lot of time on his side. Nice head, correct bite, good expression, lovely reach of neck, still needs his shoulders to tighten in and develop his front. Good rib length, good hind quarters, he needs to settle should have a good future. BPD & BPIB

PD (2) 1st Rowe - Boloria Goodnight Mr Tom. Winner of previous class. 2nd Sanders - Knottsrose Olaf, lost out to winner on movement, wasn't as settled. Still pleasing to go over. Needs to settle and finish. Lacked hind angulation.

JD (3) 1st Moore - Cloudside Vincent a very nice dog, was best mover in this class. Again a lot to like, just needs to mature, lovely head and expresion, correct bite and enough depth to his muzzle. Lovely reach of neck, into good shoulder lay. Enough depth to his keel, ribbing sprung and carried back into good hind quarters used well. 2nd Pughe & Fraser - Stanegate Stefan at Bystock nice boy, lost out to winner as looked unsettled on the move, similar remarks apply. 3rd Baldwin - Aventine The Squire

YD (2) 1st Seath - Ch Sunsong Dare to Dream. Nicely balanced, good head, eyes and expression, enough depth to his jaws, enough reach of neck into reasonable front assembly. Sprung ribbing carried back into strong loin, just enough hind angulation, moved well. 2nd Clayton-Smith - Cairparavel Hartnell, needs to settle and mature. Lost out to winner on movement. Pleasing to go over.

PGD (3) 1st Baldwin - Aventine Joss Merlyn was best mover in the class, teeth dirty, not best presentation, good head and expression, reach of neck into reasonable front, enough rib length, just enough hind angulation. Moved well. 2nd Russell - Collidach Russell Leaves. Nice dog to go over, needs to settle as was not on form. 3rd Jackson - Elderkine Special Brew

LD (3-1) 1st Howlett & Phillips - Tendrow Malibar JW, what a lovely masculine boy, I can see why he's been doing so well. Very well presented. Strong head and jaws with correct bite, correct bite, lovely reach of neck, correct coat texture, well laid shoulders, good breastbone and depth to keel, sprung ribbing, all in proportion, strong hammy quarters used with such drive. DCC & BOB 2nd Apps - Calicoe Just Me, not in the best presentation, long nails, flat feet down on his pasterns. Soft coat. Otherwise pleasing to go over,preferred the winner.

OD (2) 1st Hutchings & Price - Collidach Percy Cute at Samlane, a little bigger but a lovely boy to go over, Strong head and jaws with correct bite,  lovely reach of neck, correct coat texture, well laid shoulders, good breastbone and depth to keel, sprung ribbing, all in proportion good hind quarters. RDCC 2nd Akehurst - Boloria All Spice. Lovely and compact, good coat texture, nice head, dark eyes, full furnishings, good reach of neck, shoulders are ok, just enough keel, rib length enough and carried back, just enough hind angulation. He showed well.

SpB D/B (4) 1st Russell - Collidach Russell Leaves, was 2nd in PGD, won this class on maturity BspB. 2nd Parker - Vixendax You and Me at Zorionadax a raw baby, handler needs to get it together with her. Once settled should have some fun. 3rd Sanders - Knottsrose Olaf

MPB (6) 1st Moore & Downes - Romanchi Night at the Opera 1st & 2nd are litter sisters. There isn't much between them, I preferred movement on this one today. Nicely balanced still needs to tighten in shoulders, kept topline on the move, more mature than 2nd, all in the right places one to watch. BPB. 2nd Dean & Moore - Romanchi a Kind of Magic Dierfiur similar to 1st, lost out on winner to movement and maturity. Another one to watch. 3rd Parker - Vixendax You and Me at Zorionadax

PB (1) 1st Waller - Lallybrook Royal Toast, preferred this one to her sister in previous class, nicely balanced and mature, was a little erratic on the move today. Very nice to go over.

JB (4) 1st Phillips - Tendrow Carolina Reaper, I really liked this one, she was all of a piece, overall nicely balanced. She freely moved covering the ground. Pushed hard for top honours. Definitely should have a good future. 2nd Howe - Bramalodge Baby I'm Your's, another nice bitch to go over, I liked the overall package with the winner. Lacked turn of stifle didn't move as well. 3rd Elrich & Western - Kissdachs Gorgeous Mirabella No One (imp Hun)

YB (7-2) 1st Parrott - Bystock Blue Tango at Marondera won the class on movement and keeping topline. I liked her as she was much more together. Feminine head and lovely expression, enough depth to jaws, correct bite, enough furnishings, lovely reach of neck into good front assembly, ribbing carried back, just enough to her quarters. Moved well. 2nd Matthews - Sonham Twice as Nice JW, similar to winner I preferred front on winner. She moved and showed well. 3rd Seath - Sunsong Hopes and Dreams

PG (3-1) 1st Hutchings - Collidachs Raynee Day, I liked both of these and they could have been either way. Winner was overall more together, had better front than 2nd. Feminine head and lovely expression, enough depth to jaws, correct bite, enough furnishings, lovely reach of neck into good front assembly, ribbing carried back, just enough to her quarters. Moved well. 2nd Parrott - Derochaise Blue Angel at Marondera Nice head and lovely expression, enough depth to jaws, correct bite, enough furnishings, lovely reach of neck, preferred front on winner, ribbing carried back, just enough turn of stifle to her quarters.

LB (5-2) 1st Moore & Dean - Brontillow Canterbury Bell to Dierfiur this bitch walked into the ring and commanded it. She has everything I was looking for, flowed round with free movement. Lovely head, enough depth in her muzzle and correct bite, all her furnishings, great expression, dark eyes. Lovely reach of neck into correct shoulders. Her prominent breastbone, ribbing well sprung and carried back into strong loin, sound hind quarters, moved with such drive. BCC RBOB 2nd Moores - Derochaise Black Cherry Cloudside another beautiful bitch with similar remarks, she will have her time. I'm sure she will be made up soon as has a lot of quality. 3rd Vixendax Venus Starlight

OB (4-1) 1st Howlett & Phillips - Ch Tendrow Makes the Right Turn JW. Worthy Champion,fabulous movement, covered the ground easily. Feminine head, has all her furnishings, correct bite, good depth in muzzle, lovely reach of neck into good front correct shoulder lay, ideal rib length to her proportion, sound strong quarters. RBCC. 2nd Clayton–Smith - Cairparavel Kiss From a Rose JW, another nice bitch to go over, preferred the hind quarters on winner. Feminine head, nice expression, correct bite, enough reach of neck, her front assembly is ok, enough rib length, just lacked turn of stifle, showed and moved well. 3rd Matthews - Wyeknot Come Fly With Me Over Sonham