Those in Red denotes BOB



Crufts Jeff Horswell Ralines One of Those Tolberg Cream Dream Dolyharp Coppelia Tolberg Tia Drop at Emmajesk
Southern Dachshund Ass Carol Daykin Ralines One of Those Wildstar Wrenowned Dolyharp Coppelia Hanishan Eezzy Magic Nite at Lyndarlea
Miniature Club Martin Sanders Ralines One of Those Zarcrest Frozen Assets Dolyharp Coppelia Bronia Peach Fuzz
Dach Club of Wales  Mark Cocozza Ralines One of Those Abydachs Ainseed Dolyharp Coppelia Hanishan Eezzy Magic Nite at Lyndarlea
Hound Ass of Scotland William Rowell Ralines One of Those Garbosa Raising Cain Dinkidudlor Isha Aurog at Eldmour Charpurdy Just Willow
Birmingham National Birgit Hayward Ralines One of Those Half Century at Rarewood Metadale Aphrodite Ralines Kandi Kisses
Longhaired Dachshund Club Wendy P Spencer/Emily Mitchell Tolberg Cream Dream Chriskims Trail Blazer Mystera Once Upon a Dream at Garbosa Longort Cassie Royale of Donnadoon
Northern Dachshund Wendell Moore Ralines One of Those Metadale Masterchef Dolyharp Dessert Song Abydachs Americana
Scottish Dachshund Club Helen Buchan Garbosa Raising Cain Jumanda Renaissance Denkenas Black Swan Dinkidudlor Isha Aurog at Eldmour
Scottish Kennel Cub May Gerry McFaul Tolberg Cream Dream Dinkidax Justin Credible Abydachs Americana Longort Cassie Royale of Donnadoon
Bath Amy Callow Ralines One of Those Willowheath Hendrix Jumanda's Replica of Wildstar Longort Cassie Royale of Donnadoon
East of England Tony Johnson Dinkidax Justin Credible Rossdach Rave On Jumanda's Replica of Wildstar Jadag Fancy That
Blackpool Heather Blackburn Bennett Ralines One of Those Garbosa Raising Cain Halunke Dutch Affair Mystera Once Upon a Dream at Garbosa
Border Union Yvonne Kent Ralines One of Those Lyndarlea Kenny Jumanda's Replica of Wildstar Tolberg Dazzling Daisy
Windsor Helen Caple Willowheath Hendrix Sudasam Livin the Dream Ridgegrove Bell of the Ball Charpurdy Just Iss
Hound Association Sigurd Wilberg Abydachs Aniseed Halunke Going Dutch Charpurdy Just Willow Jumandas Replica of Wildstar
Scottish Kennel Club August Suzanne Metcalfe-Bilgin Ralines Bright Future Ralines One of Those Mystera Once Upon a Dream at Garbosa Barlaines Golden Delight
Welsh Kennel Club David Oram Ralines One of Those Sudasam Livin the Dream Jumanda's Replica of Wildstar Dolyharps Desert Song
South Wales Lesley Brown Ralines One of Those Sudasam Livin the Dream Abydachs Americana Ralines Kandi Kisses
Darlington Ron James Chriskim Trail Blazer Ygeia Numero Uno Urishay Sweet Pea Lyndarlea Dolly for Kiddles
Driffield Sue Pollock Yule Tolberg Cream Dream Half Century at Rarewood Jumanda's Replica of Wildstar Nagshall Love Actually
Belfast Bill Brown Cole Dinkidax Justin Credible Fenellafleur Zorro Lonort Cassie Royale of Donnadoon Hanishan Little Red Madam
Midland Dachshund Sally Ann Elkington Ralines One of Those Rossdach Rave On Charpurdy Just Willow Urishay Sweet Pea
Midland Counties Anne McDonald Ygeia Numero Uno Dinkidax Justin Credible Mystera Once Upon a Dream at Garbosa Ecotyne Firewitch
Dachshund Club   Mike Turner Metadale Masterchef Willowheath Hendrix Urishay Sweet Pea Ralines the Last Word
Great Joint Jason Hunt Ralines One of Those Abydachs Ainseed Ridgegrove Bell of the Ball Cliffmere Folksong