Those in Red denotes BOB



Crufts Helen Caple Wiretap Here I Am Cloudside Oliver Silvae Solo Tendrow A Page in Time
Dachshund Club of Wales Sue Hewart Chambers Allfreys London Look Derochaise Black Tarquin Hellas Ozlem at Sunsong Bolorias Trick or Treat
Wirehaired Dachshund  Maria Lerego Wiretap Here I Am Derochaise Justified for Cishelvine Cishelvine Just an Engima Gando Av Larhjelm
WELKS Gavin Robertson Silvae Kinsman Silvae Klansman Silvae Solo Derochaise Elusia
Birmingham National Dawn Norton Ex Sentia I'm Bond James Bond Jethard Just Jive Silvae Solo Ambiesque Aperitif
Blackpool Sigurd Wilberg Aventine Jamaica Inn Tendrow Replays the Red Guy at Kindeace Brumberhill Bellissima Silvae Solo
Scottish Kennel Club Diane Melbourne Allfreys Here's Lookin at You Tendrow One More Time Barmaud Cishelvine Just an Engima Brumberhill Bellissima
Southern Counties Colin Gillanders Wiretap Here I Am Cishelvine Caught Out Hellas Ozlem at Sunsong Tendrow Time N Time Again
Windsor Paul Singleton Wiretap Here I Am Derochaise Manhatton Derochaise Elusia Boloria's Arabella
Paignton Jeff Horswell Greyhayne Hooray Henry Derochaise Black Tarquin Silvae Solo Silvae Trademark
Leeds Keith Thornton Ex Sentia Devil's Advocate Tendrow One More Time Barmaud Silvae Solo Tendrow I am Legend with Elderkine
Houndshow Katherine Herrington Greyhayne Hooray Henry Zlowfox Av Larhjelm at Sunsong Silvae Solo Brumberhill Bellissima
Midland Dachshund Janet Kay Derochaise Black Tarquin Greyhayne Hooray Henry Tendrow I Am the One from Collidach Silvae Solo
Welsh Kennel Club Tom Johnson Jethard Just Jive Silvae Kinsman Silvae Kizmet Silvae Trademark
Richmond Amy Callow Megline Aramis Zlowfox Av Larhjelm at Sunsong Sunsong Keep a Promise Cishelvine Just an Enigma
Eastern Counties Dachshund Club Lloyd Cross Wiretap Here I Am Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Silvae Solo Tendrow Black Pearl with Hototo
Lancs & Cheshire Jane Cule Jethard Just Jive Silvae Trader Silvae Solo Allfreys Helena
Midland Counties Frank Kane Silvae Klansman Wiretap Here I Am Ambiesque Aperitif Derochaise Black Orchid
Dachshund Club Cindy Dare Megline Aramis Wiretap Here I Am Wagsford Jennifer Silvae Trademark
Great Joint Helen Buchan Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Derochaise Justified for Cishelvine Ambiesque Aperitif Silvae Trade Secret
LKA Phil Freer Derochaise Black Tarquin Jethard Just Jive Silvae Solo Wagsford Jennifer