The Show Certificate of Excellence is an award which can be gained once your dog reaches the age of 18 months. It requires you gaining a number of points from open shows in order to receive the title. Once achieved, the title ShCEx can be used at the end of the dog's name. 

The Show Certificate of Excellence will replace the existing Show Certificate of Merit,

A Show Certificate of Excellence will be issued to a dog achieving 50 points at general and group open shows.

Points to be gained by a dog aged 18 months and over

The age stipulation is to provide for a range of awards for which a dog may qualify over the course of its life i.e. Junior Warrant, Show Certificate of Excellence, and Veteran Warrant.

Full Eligibility Criteria and Claim Form Here

Below are Dachshunds achieving A ShCEx





Ch Loggeta Trouble in Texas ShCEx

Owned by Lloyd Cross

Gained - 2022

Tekalhaus the Excelsior ShCEx

Owned by Debbie Clarke

Gained - August 2023


Adnerbs Won Vision JW ShCEx OSW

Owned by Tracy Stark

Gained - Jan 20



Ch Collidach Brook Ling ShCEx

Owned by Fay Hutchings

Gained - June 2023